Why pour burdocks with cement
Sometimes one unusual detail is enough for the garden to play with new colors and begin to attract the attention of neighbors and guests.
Recently I was at the dacha of one of my good friends. This woman has golden hands, because what I saw on her property is beyond praise. Evgenia loves plants and draws inspiration from nature. Her new find is the creation. uniquely cement leaves.
Editorial "Site"Inspired by this idea, offers you an affordable step-by-step master class that will help make such an amazing experience. garden decoration with his own hands.
You're gonna need some garden decor.
I am sure that you will easily cope with this interesting task, and many stylish and original garden elements will appear in your garden.
I also suggest you look at a selection of application ideas. cement leaves in your garden. I have never seen more original solutions!
Editorial Board
To create such a decor, a freshly cut leaf of burdock, maple, plane tree, rhubarb, fern or other plant is suitable.
If you've never worked with cement before, don't worry, it's not complicated. All you need is a container for mixing cement with water, a shovel or a scoop for mixing.
I also suggest you get acquainted with another very interesting idea of the original decoration of the garden with your own hands.
I hope you were inspired by this simple, but very original way to decorate the garden with your own hands. Tell your friends and acquaintances about this bright idea, for sure it will interest them!
Recently I was at the dacha of one of my good friends. This woman has golden hands, because what I saw on her property is beyond praise. Evgenia loves plants and draws inspiration from nature. Her new find is the creation. uniquely cement leaves.

Editorial "Site"Inspired by this idea, offers you an affordable step-by-step master class that will help make such an amazing experience. garden decoration with his own hands.
You're gonna need some garden decor.
- leaflet
- netting
- mortar
- paint
- varnish
- rubber gloves
- First you need to find a large leaf of rhubarb or any other large leaf.
- Cover the sheet with a cement mix.
- After the first layer, we coat the product with a metal mesh, the size of which is smaller than the finished product.
- Then we cover the workpiece with another layer of cement.
- When the product is completely dry, turn over and remove the plant leaf. For this, you can use a soft brush or razor blade. The main thing is not to scratch the future decor!
- This is what the finished product will look like. It can be painted with acrylic paints and covered with varnish.
I am sure that you will easily cope with this interesting task, and many stylish and original garden elements will appear in your garden.
I also suggest you look at a selection of application ideas. cement leaves in your garden. I have never seen more original solutions!
- You can make leaves like this. gardenway. And don't be afraid the leaf will break. Cement crafts are strong enough to withstand the weight of an adult. In addition, this decor is resistant to low temperatures (up to -25 degrees), and this is important in our winter!
- And here is another master class on creating a path of leaves and cement.
- It's a wonderful bird drinker! Set such beauty separately on the lawn or include it in the landscape composition - and your garden will be transformed.
- Original watering for birds is a cute and elegant solution for the garden. Such decor can be tinted in different colors, suitable for design and color scheme.
- Who says water can only flow on rocks? How about that? cementLike the waterfall cascades?
- The water cascade looks very stylish and unusual. The color of the tinting and the size of the leaves must be selected based on the style and size of the reservoir. All elements should be in harmony with each other and combined with the design of the site.
- There is no limit to human imagination! Sometimes useful can be beautiful.
- I am so excited about this beauty! I definitely want to do something like this on my own.
- Sometimes you can add just one elegant detail - and the garden will play with new colors!
- It's just wonderful, isn't it?
- How do you feel about this fence?
Editorial Board
To create such a decor, a freshly cut leaf of burdock, maple, plane tree, rhubarb, fern or other plant is suitable.

If you've never worked with cement before, don't worry, it's not complicated. All you need is a container for mixing cement with water, a shovel or a scoop for mixing.
I also suggest you get acquainted with another very interesting idea of the original decoration of the garden with your own hands.
I hope you were inspired by this simple, but very original way to decorate the garden with your own hands. Tell your friends and acquaintances about this bright idea, for sure it will interest them!
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