If you were beaten as a child, this is what happens to your personality. Unacceptable mistake!
Beating a child and yelling at him is an extremely perverse and disgusting strategy for the survival of parents, but not upbringing. Does violence against children make sense? "Site" He wants to understand. beat up for educational purposes and what can outgrow a negative childhood experience.
Corporal punishment
Whether to punish the childIt's a personal matter for every parent. But it is worth understanding that our children are completely different from us and educating them with medieval methods is not only meaningless, but also dangerous for the health of a small person in the future.
Priceless educational work can not be replaced with a belt, this is the most banal way to drive the understanding of something into the child's consciousness. Love your child, and then you will be incredibly proud that you raised a full-fledged intellectual member of society!
Do not forget to share this useful article with other parents, it will certainly make them think about the methods of raising their own children.

Corporal punishment
- The first and probably the most common cause Loss of control and nervous balance of parents. If mom or dad is irritated, tired or worried about something, and the little child keeps screaming and demanding to buy him this chocolate right now, then everything ends with a one-time slap, slap and a loud request to finally close your mouth. No wonder the child starts screaming even louder, gets another slap, and still falls silent. But he does not agree with his parents, but simply stops and holds a grudge.
- In a situation where parents do not have good arguments why and why it is impossible to do so, it is easier to give the child a belt and close the problem. The only thing a child understands in such a situation is not to be caught. If you don’t give an argument why you can’t, hit or don’t hit, it won’t reach the child.
- As a child, many of us got slacks for minor misconduct. For example, if you break something or get dirty while walking, got. And that was the norm. Things were in short supply, and people were ruder. Today we live in a completely different world and our children will never perceive corporal punishment the way we perceived it.
- The stupidest reason to physically punish a child is because so. That’s what your parents and your friends’ parents did. You have to make a choice: happy child or obedient? An obedient child is easy, but an obedient adult is rarely happy. An obedient child in adulthood will find it extremely difficult to find himself, because he is accustomed to obey and obey. Such naive people are used by everyone who is not lazy. Do you want your child to be used?
- Children who are beaten and criticized are more likely to grow up. secretive. There is no trust in such an aggressive relationship, and this is not surprising. Fear teaches a child to be afraid, and this is not an educational work. In conditions of resentment and resentment, the personality of the child is destroyed, he turns into a frightened victim, believing that the strong is right. Or it can be irreparable: the child simply loses respect for the parents.
- At the end of the day, try calling everything what it is. Instead of “now you’ll get a belt” or “you’ll play with me,” try telling your child the truth. The phrase "now I'm going to beat you" sobering the harshest parent. Such a presentation of the situation helps to understand the problem in the best way and take full responsibility for the violent actions against a small person.
Whether to punish the childIt's a personal matter for every parent. But it is worth understanding that our children are completely different from us and educating them with medieval methods is not only meaningless, but also dangerous for the health of a small person in the future.
Priceless educational work can not be replaced with a belt, this is the most banal way to drive the understanding of something into the child's consciousness. Love your child, and then you will be incredibly proud that you raised a full-fledged intellectual member of society!
Do not forget to share this useful article with other parents, it will certainly make them think about the methods of raising their own children.
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