The lesson of the intricate teacher instantly spread on the Internet! An innocent experience with a slice of bread suggests...
How to instill in your child a love of science? Of course, visually, with the help of experiments and fascinating experiments. In order for children to see in you a real wizard and get carried away with learning, you only need sleight of hand and boundless imagination. Mother science will do the rest for you. That's what a North Carolina teacher thought, and she organized it for her students. groundbreakingWhich has spread across social media.
The Inspired Teacher Project is the easiest and most exciting way to educate children about the importance of personal hygiene. So, using only 3 slices of bread, the woman was able to visually tell first-graders why it is so important to wash your hands before eating.
The bread in the first package is a control sample. In the second package, the teacher placed a scrap of bread with washed hands. And the third is a piece of bread that all the kids in the class touched. unwashed. After just a week, the children were able to see for themselves that hygiene is good.
"Site" It invites you not to limit yourself to just one experience, but to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of science!
Experiments for Children Exciting Experiments and experiments for children - the best way to curb the seething energy and not knowing tired curiosity of the baby, push him to visual knowledge of the world and the development of the creative principle. By the way, such simple experiments will shake not only the child, but also his parent. Shall we try?
How do you feel about those experiences? Save these fascinating experiments for your kids and don’t forget to share them with your Facebook friends.
The Inspired Teacher Project is the easiest and most exciting way to educate children about the importance of personal hygiene. So, using only 3 slices of bread, the woman was able to visually tell first-graders why it is so important to wash your hands before eating.

The bread in the first package is a control sample. In the second package, the teacher placed a scrap of bread with washed hands. And the third is a piece of bread that all the kids in the class touched. unwashed. After just a week, the children were able to see for themselves that hygiene is good.
"Site" It invites you not to limit yourself to just one experience, but to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of science!
Experiments for Children Exciting Experiments and experiments for children - the best way to curb the seething energy and not knowing tired curiosity of the baby, push him to visual knowledge of the world and the development of the creative principle. By the way, such simple experiments will shake not only the child, but also his parent. Shall we try?
- Egg walk
For such an experiment, you will need two trays of fresh chicken eggs and a good mood. The experience is extremely simple: bed on the floor a garbage bag or gluten (for hygienic purposes) and put 2 trays with eggs on top. By evenly distributing the weight and correctly putting your legs, you will be able to literally walk on raw and fragile eggs with bare feet.
It is no secret that breaking an egg costs nothing. However, the architecture of the egg is so unique that uniformly The tension is distributed throughout the shell harmoniously and does not allow the fragile egg to crack. Try it today, it’s very exciting! - Magic package
For the next experiment, you will need a plastic bag, water and sharpened pencils. The fact is that if the package is first pierced with a pencil, and then filled with water, it will leak without residue. But if the package is first filled with water to half, and then make a hole so that the pointed pencil remains stuck in the bag, the liquid flows out of the package. will not. What's the secret? When polyethylene breaks, its molecules tend to attract each other. In this experiment, polymers of polyethylene are tightened around the pencil, holding the liquid inside the damaged bag. - Electromagnet with your own hands
If you have a battery, copper wire and nail in your bins, then it's time for the next experiment! Make the most of it electromagnet It's very simple with your own hands. All you have to do is wrap an insulated copper wire around the nail and connect the same wire to the battery on either side.
As a result, you will get a real electromagnet! The children will be delighted, and the time spent is nothing. - Air is a mighty force!
For the last experiment, you'll need potatoes and two straws. Take one of the straws and try to pierce the potatoes with it. Did it work? It doesn't seem as good as I'd like. Now take a second straw and do the same trick, but thumb down over the straw hole. In this case, the straw should pierce the potato in two counts.
When you closed the tube with your finger and stuck it into the potatoes, the air had no choice but to compress and make the straw hard enough to pierce the tuber through.
How do you feel about those experiences? Save these fascinating experiments for your kids and don’t forget to share them with your Facebook friends.
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