After 7 years of marriage, she decided to divorce. I would not have made the same mistakes now!
Many psychologists say that the first and most powerful crisis After three years of marriage, this is not true. Often, many couples have children during this period, so young people try to rally to solve a lot of long-term problems: equip (buy) housing, educate the future generation, accumulate a sufficient amount of funds.
By seven years, family relationships have entered a new round of monotony and routine. It is already a large and complex mechanism with its own needs and conflicts of interest. Unfortunately, not all couples are capable of build the right relationshipsto overcome the crisis of seven years.
The heroine of our article also could not find a common language with her husband, as a result, everything ended in divorce and regrets on the part of the woman. This is what she advises all ladies who have crossed the mark of seven years of marriage. Some recommendations are also relevant for men.
How to keep a family together
Agree, from these tips you can learn a lot for yourself. Be sure to share these recommendations with friends, perhaps you will help save someone's family.

By seven years, family relationships have entered a new round of monotony and routine. It is already a large and complex mechanism with its own needs and conflicts of interest. Unfortunately, not all couples are capable of build the right relationshipsto overcome the crisis of seven years.

The heroine of our article also could not find a common language with her husband, as a result, everything ended in divorce and regrets on the part of the woman. This is what she advises all ladies who have crossed the mark of seven years of marriage. Some recommendations are also relevant for men.

How to keep a family together
- Try to see only the best in him.
Many women are too fixated on the little things that annoy them in their spouse. Try to focus every day on the best features of your partner. - Sex is the best medicine
This is a balm against many wounds that are inflicted in marriage. If there is a feeling that the spouse is distant, it is time to take off his clothes and become much closer. - Ask for advice from experienced women
Many women prefer to share their family problems with their peers. But that's not a good idea. It is better to ask the advice of an older woman, because only from the height of the years lived you can consider the correct solution to the problem. - Remind him often that he is courageous, wise and strong.
Men tend to forget about their virtues, who, more than women, need to inspire them to new achievements.
212573 - Don’t go to online forums for advice.
Most often, these people do not know anything about you, and can not see the full picture of your life situation. They may wrongly advise various stupidities that are unacceptable in your case. - Share your feelings and experiences
Many women accumulate a huge amount of fears and experiences, which in the end throw on the confused man. Do not accumulate these feelings, it is better to immediately share them with your spouse. He will be extremely grateful for the frankness. - Never criticize him in front of others.
It should be remembered that a man should always have a reliable back. If you don't like his behavior, discuss it with your husband alone. You don’t have to make him look guilty in public. - Touch him more often.
It seems that a normal hug is such a small thing. But don’t underestimate the power of touch. Stanislavsky was once asked to describe in a verb what it means to love. He was offered several answers: to give gifts and flowers, to live the interests of a loved one, to devour the eyes, to sing with happiness and to be in euphoria. To which Stanislavsky replied, “I want to touch.” - Let him love you the way he used to.
Most often, women’s idea of love is somewhat different from men’s vision. Therefore, you should not expect from him perfect manifestations of feelings in your understanding. Doing constant analysis and making comparisons, you can miss many pleasant moments of married life. - Find common ground together.
This is not about loving feelings. Common hobbies, goals and dreams can strongly unite a family. Don't stop evolving together.
Agree, from these tips you can learn a lot for yourself. Be sure to share these recommendations with friends, perhaps you will help save someone's family.
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