The recipe is a bomb! We take the pan, pour out all the salt...
There are thousands of recipes for cooking chicken. Most of them require additional ingredients, marinades, spices, spices. The cost of the dish in this case is high. I am a prudent and economical hostess, so I advise everyone to buy and bake. whole-chicken. It's a lot cheaper.
Chicken on salt Chicken on salt in the oven - just an incredible delicacy! When guests are on the doorstep, there is no better dish. The result exceeds all expectations, the company of 4-5 people will not leave a piece. And most importantly, you can invent any garnish. Good delicious fried potatoes, delicate white rice, grilled vegetables.
The ingredients
Use ordinary salt, iodized can be bitter. Don't worry that chicken full of salt It'll get salty. During cooking, a “salt bath” is formed in the oven, thanks to which the meat is ideally soaked.
The softly dried crust turns out to be very crispy, and excess moisture remains inside. To chicken meat perfectly fits incredibly healthy salad, very fast in cooking.
Save this simple recipe and share it with your friends. It'll be good!
Chicken on salt Chicken on salt in the oven - just an incredible delicacy! When guests are on the doorstep, there is no better dish. The result exceeds all expectations, the company of 4-5 people will not leave a piece. And most importantly, you can invent any garnish. Good delicious fried potatoes, delicate white rice, grilled vegetables.
The ingredients
- poultry
- 1 kg salt
- Pour salt into high shape with sides. Suitable pan, pan or brazier with a thick bottom without handles.
- Wash the chicken well, dry it with a paper towel. Tie the legs with a natural thread, so the beautiful shape of the carcass will be preserved.
- Put the chicken back down on the salt pillow. There's nothing else to do! Fixing, stuffing too much.
- Heat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the chicken for one hour. This is enough to prepare juicy meat and get a crispy crust.
- While the chicken is in the oven, prepare your favorite side dish: potatoes, rice, bulgur, vegetables. Don’t worry, everything will be perfect.
- Check the readiness of the chicken - pierce the thigh with a fork or toothpick. If it leaks out clear-juiceThe dish is ready. If pink, wait a few more minutes.
- Take the chicken out on the plate, very carefully. leggings. There is a lot of hot juice inside. One awkward move and a burn is provided.
- Put the garnish around the chicken and welcome the guests!
Use ordinary salt, iodized can be bitter. Don't worry that chicken full of salt It'll get salty. During cooking, a “salt bath” is formed in the oven, thanks to which the meat is ideally soaked.
The softly dried crust turns out to be very crispy, and excess moisture remains inside. To chicken meat perfectly fits incredibly healthy salad, very fast in cooking.
Save this simple recipe and share it with your friends. It'll be good!
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