“Moon diet”: in the full moon, give up meat! To direct lunar energy to weight loss will help our scheme.
It is no secret that our health depends on the moon. This is especially noticeable in women. Nutritionists also paid attention to this fact. moonlight It is responsible not only for tides in the ocean, but also affects the amount of fluid in the human body, metabolism and absorption of certain vitamins and minerals.
Therefore, nutritionists and astrologers have jointly created a diet according to the lunar calendar. Editorial "Site" It will tell you in detail how to eat depending on the phase of the moon and what sign it is in. That way, you'll get your biorhythms fixed. So stock up on the lunar calendar - and go!
Lunar diet Full moon - the beginning of the diet Nutritionists believe that the full moon - Best Day to Start a Diet or fasting. After the full moon comes the phase of waning of the moon. As every day the moon will decrease, so will your extra pounds go. Observations have shown that on this day you will be indifferent to any culinary temptations, which means that it is great for cleansing and preparing the body for a diet.
And now let’s get to the most interesting – food in the full moon. Give up meat and bakery products. Prepare a diet soup with a vegetable broth, for example Bonn. It is best to do it with those vegetables that improve the work of the intestines and stomach, such as cabbage, carrots, beets. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas.
The waning period of the moon is the most favorable for weight loss, because the body works at full capacity. You tend to get active and want to do something, start new projects. During this period, eat more cereals and vegetables. Whole grain bread can also be consumed.
The fiber contained in these products stimulates the work of the intestine, and therefore cleanses the body. Give up the butter completely. Replace it with vegetable: olive, corn or linen.
This is a period of detoxification of the body, or, more simply, cleansing. Right now, you're launching your natural mechanism to dispose of toxins and toxins. This is the perfect day to quit smoking or give up flour and sweets. If possible, eat dishes that do not require heat treatment.
10 minutes before a meal, drink a glass of still mineral water or a cup of green tea. This will start cleansing processes in the body. In general, you should drink at least 3 liters of liquid during the day. It can be freshly squeezed juices or herbal teas. Juices from cabbage, carrots, beets, cherries, raspberries, apples will purify the blood and strengthen immunity.
Your body begins to look for ways to store energy for the next exhausting period and begins to form fat stores. That is why during this period, dieting does not make much sense, even if you only drink water. This will only disrupt your metabolism and gain more weight. However, food consumption needs to be controlled.
Eat less, but more often. So you will be able to cheat hunger, food will be absorbed faster and better, which means that extra pounds are not afraid of you. Eat on time. Do not skip meals, eat regularly, and you can avoid bouts of hunger.
If the moon passes signs that correspond to the element of fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), you need to add more protein food to the diet. Replace animal protein with plant protein. Eat more red vegetables and beans.
If the moon is in constellations of earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), it is important to limit salt intake. Replace salt with greens, such as dill, parsley, basil.
If the moon is in constellations of air signs (Twins, Libra, Aquarius), eat more salads from fresh vegetables seasoned with vegetable oil. During this period, it can pull on fatty and fried foods, so salads are the best way out.
If the moon is in the constellation of one of the signs of the water element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), then often pulls on carbohydrate food. Eat whole grain bread, oatmeal biscuits, pasta from hard wheat. Include in the diet and fish, its protein will help burn carbohydrates.
Also, according to the lunar calendar, you can take care of your hair and plan your affairs. Share this method of losing weight with your friends on social networks!
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Therefore, nutritionists and astrologers have jointly created a diet according to the lunar calendar. Editorial "Site" It will tell you in detail how to eat depending on the phase of the moon and what sign it is in. That way, you'll get your biorhythms fixed. So stock up on the lunar calendar - and go!
Lunar diet Full moon - the beginning of the diet Nutritionists believe that the full moon - Best Day to Start a Diet or fasting. After the full moon comes the phase of waning of the moon. As every day the moon will decrease, so will your extra pounds go. Observations have shown that on this day you will be indifferent to any culinary temptations, which means that it is great for cleansing and preparing the body for a diet.

And now let’s get to the most interesting – food in the full moon. Give up meat and bakery products. Prepare a diet soup with a vegetable broth, for example Bonn. It is best to do it with those vegetables that improve the work of the intestines and stomach, such as cabbage, carrots, beets. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas.

The waning period of the moon is the most favorable for weight loss, because the body works at full capacity. You tend to get active and want to do something, start new projects. During this period, eat more cereals and vegetables. Whole grain bread can also be consumed.
The fiber contained in these products stimulates the work of the intestine, and therefore cleanses the body. Give up the butter completely. Replace it with vegetable: olive, corn or linen.

This is a period of detoxification of the body, or, more simply, cleansing. Right now, you're launching your natural mechanism to dispose of toxins and toxins. This is the perfect day to quit smoking or give up flour and sweets. If possible, eat dishes that do not require heat treatment.

10 minutes before a meal, drink a glass of still mineral water or a cup of green tea. This will start cleansing processes in the body. In general, you should drink at least 3 liters of liquid during the day. It can be freshly squeezed juices or herbal teas. Juices from cabbage, carrots, beets, cherries, raspberries, apples will purify the blood and strengthen immunity.

Your body begins to look for ways to store energy for the next exhausting period and begins to form fat stores. That is why during this period, dieting does not make much sense, even if you only drink water. This will only disrupt your metabolism and gain more weight. However, food consumption needs to be controlled.
Eat less, but more often. So you will be able to cheat hunger, food will be absorbed faster and better, which means that extra pounds are not afraid of you. Eat on time. Do not skip meals, eat regularly, and you can avoid bouts of hunger.

If the moon passes signs that correspond to the element of fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), you need to add more protein food to the diet. Replace animal protein with plant protein. Eat more red vegetables and beans.

If the moon is in constellations of earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), it is important to limit salt intake. Replace salt with greens, such as dill, parsley, basil.

If the moon is in constellations of air signs (Twins, Libra, Aquarius), eat more salads from fresh vegetables seasoned with vegetable oil. During this period, it can pull on fatty and fried foods, so salads are the best way out.

If the moon is in the constellation of one of the signs of the water element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), then often pulls on carbohydrate food. Eat whole grain bread, oatmeal biscuits, pasta from hard wheat. Include in the diet and fish, its protein will help burn carbohydrates.

Also, according to the lunar calendar, you can take care of your hair and plan your affairs. Share this method of losing weight with your friends on social networks!
Photo by depositphotos preview.
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