How to Deal With Decline
Sometimes there comes a time in life when stress and fatigue put so much pressure on you that there is no strength left. Problems at work, lack of sleep, troubles at home... You know that too, don't you? You can't get away from that, alas. Stress can and should be dealt with.
And the newsroom. "Site" He will share with you one way that stress relieves you like a hand.
From many diseases, physical exercise helps a person, and stress is also a disease. Therefore, Alexander Drozhennikov, an expert on longevity, suggests getting rid of stress and fatigue with one exercise. The video with the advice of the healer you can watch a little below, but in the meantime, let’s figure out what this exercise is.
To perform this exercise, first sit comfortably: in a chair, chair or stool. Put your legs on the width of your shoulders, your elbows on your knees, your hands are relaxed. Body bend in the chest.
The most important thing in this exercise is breathing. It should be flat and deep. When you relax, take a comfortable position – start breathing properly. Take a deep breath, venting the stomach, the diaphragm at the same time lowers, and after the air fills the lungs. The breath should fill you completely. Then you take a long and long breath.
DepositPhotos is not the whole exercise. You have learned how to breathe properly, but then you need to focus on your palms. Imagine that you have a ball between your hands. On the inhalation, bring your hands together as if you are squeezing this ball, on the exhalation - your hands do not move.
Sit for 2-3 minutes or as long as you want. Focus on breathing and resistance in your hands. This will fill your body with energy and vitality, stress and fatigue will recede. Benefits of Exercise It's huge. Just do it and the result will come.
If the stress is long and protracted, Alexander Drozennikov offers you another exercise. It will help get rid of not only the stress itself, but also its unpleasant consequences: tingling in the heart, a lost rhythm.
To do this, you need to take a deep breath through the nose, then close the nose and mouth with your hand and as if to exhale, but without releasing air. Repeat this deceptive move 3-4 times. It's best practicewhich will help to adjust the rhythm of the heart and restore its work.
In this video you can see how to perform these simple exercises.
Agree, these exercises do not require much time and energy. You just have to sit down and relax. We cannot completely protect ourselves from stress, but we can fight it and not let it ruin our lives. Do these wonderful exercises and always stay healthy!
How do you get rid of stress? Share with us in the comments!

And the newsroom. "Site" He will share with you one way that stress relieves you like a hand.
From many diseases, physical exercise helps a person, and stress is also a disease. Therefore, Alexander Drozhennikov, an expert on longevity, suggests getting rid of stress and fatigue with one exercise. The video with the advice of the healer you can watch a little below, but in the meantime, let’s figure out what this exercise is.

To perform this exercise, first sit comfortably: in a chair, chair or stool. Put your legs on the width of your shoulders, your elbows on your knees, your hands are relaxed. Body bend in the chest.
The most important thing in this exercise is breathing. It should be flat and deep. When you relax, take a comfortable position – start breathing properly. Take a deep breath, venting the stomach, the diaphragm at the same time lowers, and after the air fills the lungs. The breath should fill you completely. Then you take a long and long breath.

DepositPhotos is not the whole exercise. You have learned how to breathe properly, but then you need to focus on your palms. Imagine that you have a ball between your hands. On the inhalation, bring your hands together as if you are squeezing this ball, on the exhalation - your hands do not move.

Sit for 2-3 minutes or as long as you want. Focus on breathing and resistance in your hands. This will fill your body with energy and vitality, stress and fatigue will recede. Benefits of Exercise It's huge. Just do it and the result will come.

If the stress is long and protracted, Alexander Drozennikov offers you another exercise. It will help get rid of not only the stress itself, but also its unpleasant consequences: tingling in the heart, a lost rhythm.

To do this, you need to take a deep breath through the nose, then close the nose and mouth with your hand and as if to exhale, but without releasing air. Repeat this deceptive move 3-4 times. It's best practicewhich will help to adjust the rhythm of the heart and restore its work.

In this video you can see how to perform these simple exercises.
Agree, these exercises do not require much time and energy. You just have to sit down and relax. We cannot completely protect ourselves from stress, but we can fight it and not let it ruin our lives. Do these wonderful exercises and always stay healthy!
How do you get rid of stress? Share with us in the comments!
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