How to make shoes with your own hands

Shoes (casket or shelf for storing shoes) should be in every apartment, this is an iron rule. Otherwise, even in the most neat dwelling, chaos and lawlessness will reign. Scattered in the hallway shoes spoil not only the appearance of the house. Putting your favorite shoes on the shelf or removing them in a special box, you will maintain order and cleanliness, protect your shoes from pet encroachments and dirty soles of careless children.

And if your sneakers or shoes have already suffered from careless storage, show mercy at least to guests who are not exactly ready for their favorite shoes to have marks of the clawed paw of a home Murka.


No matter how small your hallway is, it just has to be a compact shelf for storing shoes. "Site" He wants to share simple and stylish ideas with you. How to store shoes in the hallway without damaging the space. 7 whole ways!

Shoes with their own hands
  1. Poof shoe
    Due to their compact dimensions and mobility, such shoe poofs are very popular, besides they perfectly complement the interior and perform the function of a comfortable seat in the hallway. There are many ways to create this useful item: from plastic bottles, plywood, old boxes and even tires. The main thing is that it will not take much time and money to create a poof, and it will look stylish and cozy.

  2. Palette shoe
    It seems that you can make anything from the old palette, there would be desire and imagination. Comfortable shoes are no exception! All you need to do is just polish, cover with a grill and paint the old construction pallet in the desired color.

  3. Wooden shoeboxes
    Another option is how to make a simple shoe shelf with your own hands without unnecessary hassle. Take a few ownerless wooden boxes, grind and paint them in the desired color. Then just put one on top of the other and carefully store your favorite shoes in them. Brilliant and simple!

  4. Narrow shoe cabinet
    Slim shoes are optimal for small-sized hallways, where every square centimeter is valued. However, in a narrow and compact cabinet, shoes are stored vertically, which is fraught with distortion of its shape. In addition, you will have to find a place for brushes and shoe cosmetics, because there is no place for accessories in the shoe. But generally similar shoebox Very comfortable and handsome!


  5. Shoe shelf banquet
    In whichever store you go, there is a huge selection of soft banquets for the hallway: with shelves, drawers. Each manufacturer designs this functional interior item in its own way, but what to do if you can not find a suitable banquet? Of course, do it yourself! The device of the banquet is very simple - it is a wide low stool with a soft seat. A banquet can be made by anyone who has at least a little carpentry skills and knows how to handle a needle.


  6. PVC pipe shoe
    If there is a desire to keep shoes in the proper place, and there is no money for high-quality wood or moisture-resistant plywood, you can easily make a creative shoe from ordinary sewers. All you need to do is cut, hide and glue! Such a simple design will help maintain cleanliness and order in the house without unnecessary costs.

  7. Kaloshnia
    The balcony is a great solution for the balcony! Shoes on such shelves dry perfectly, but they take up much more space than a cabinet or, for example, a rack. Although in the latter you can fold a lot more shoes and shoes. Kaloshnitsa is not difficult to make with your own hands: you just need to fasten several perforated shelves and install a pallet under them for the outflow of excess moisture and dirt.


Shoes are irreplaceable, no doubt about it. Closed or open, single-tiered or multi-level, suspended or floor - there are no options for shoes on your fingers. And if you can not decide on the configuration, go to the nearest furniture store and see a few ideas from the factory manufacturers.

By including a little imagination, you can turn a boring box or wooden palette into a functional shoe with a soft seat, hanger, mirror and even additional drawers for shoe accessories. If you like our collection, do not forget to share it with friends.


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