Why You Should Get a Dog
Who didn't want to be a kid? get a dog? Unless someone who already had it. Today it is the best friend of the child – smartphone or tablet. But the parents forbade to take the puppy from the street, and did not really want to buy. Every time I heard the same thing, “Who will feed him?” What about walking? And clean up after him?”
And despite all the persuasion, the dream of a dog remained a dream. It remained only to enjoy trips to the village to his grandfather, in the yard of which there were always enough cats, dogs, and other animals. And I didn't understand why parents would refuse to have even the smallest and most harmless puppy that needs a little space and food.
Now I understand how difficult it is to keep a dog in an apartment. After all, a four-legged friend needs much more than it seems at first glance: regular morning and evening walks, cosmetic and medical care, cleaning, proper nutrition and much more.
Before purchasing a dog, you should learn more about the breed in favor of which you plan to make a choice. Keep in mind that the weight of the pet does not exceed the weight of the child, otherwise the latter will have a hard time. And the dog, no matter how gentle and well-mannered, can accidentally cause harm to the small owner.
A mobile Dalmatian is suitable for an active teenager who likes to spend a lot of time in motion. Yorkshire Terrier or miniature poodle perfectly diversify the leisure of a little girl. A calm Labrador is suitable for any family, although its good nature extends to strangers.
The fear that a child playing with a dog will necessarily have worms is completely groundless. Many studies have shown that children who play with animals encounter worms no more often than other guys. And false information is spread by unscrupulous pharmacological companies, says Dr. Komarovsky.
Should I get a dog? for a family with children? Psychologists almost unanimously recommend this. According to them, any pet has a positive effect on all family members. But even before cats, birds or fish, a dog has many advantages, especially for a child.
Dog for home and children She is a great friend, but in return she needs more attention than any other pet. You can't just leave him at home for a few days on business. He will definitely be capricious while eating and call to walk daily in any weather (even if it is a snowy morning on January 1 or your birthday).
A dog can eat toys by ignoring the ones they bought for them. She can chew furniture, clothes, documents. She has a lot of hair everywhere she wants to go.
Therefore, by agreeing to have a dog, you take responsibility for this peaceful creature and its impact on your family. Are you ready to be that responsible? The choice is yours.
And despite all the persuasion, the dream of a dog remained a dream. It remained only to enjoy trips to the village to his grandfather, in the yard of which there were always enough cats, dogs, and other animals. And I didn't understand why parents would refuse to have even the smallest and most harmless puppy that needs a little space and food.

Now I understand how difficult it is to keep a dog in an apartment. After all, a four-legged friend needs much more than it seems at first glance: regular morning and evening walks, cosmetic and medical care, cleaning, proper nutrition and much more.

Before purchasing a dog, you should learn more about the breed in favor of which you plan to make a choice. Keep in mind that the weight of the pet does not exceed the weight of the child, otherwise the latter will have a hard time. And the dog, no matter how gentle and well-mannered, can accidentally cause harm to the small owner.
A mobile Dalmatian is suitable for an active teenager who likes to spend a lot of time in motion. Yorkshire Terrier or miniature poodle perfectly diversify the leisure of a little girl. A calm Labrador is suitable for any family, although its good nature extends to strangers.

The fear that a child playing with a dog will necessarily have worms is completely groundless. Many studies have shown that children who play with animals encounter worms no more often than other guys. And false information is spread by unscrupulous pharmacological companies, says Dr. Komarovsky.
Should I get a dog? for a family with children? Psychologists almost unanimously recommend this. According to them, any pet has a positive effect on all family members. But even before cats, birds or fish, a dog has many advantages, especially for a child.

- Protection
A sense of security inevitably arises when a child walks or just plays with his four-legged friend. Yes, mom and dad are strong and can protect their baby, but walking with a dog is much cooler: any hooligans are not scary. - Loyal friend
The dog will not only protect if necessary - it will entertain and act as a partner even in the most boring game, listen to any offenses and understand, even when no one understands.
DepositPhotos - Liability
A dog is not a soulless toy, but a living creature. The child understands this from the first day. He not only learns to cope with his problems, but also takes care of the pet. - The ability to love
You can love cartoons, sweets or drawing, but this is not at all what love for a living being, which reciprocates. More than his own dog, a child can only love his parents.
Dog for home and children She is a great friend, but in return she needs more attention than any other pet. You can't just leave him at home for a few days on business. He will definitely be capricious while eating and call to walk daily in any weather (even if it is a snowy morning on January 1 or your birthday).
A dog can eat toys by ignoring the ones they bought for them. She can chew furniture, clothes, documents. She has a lot of hair everywhere she wants to go.
Therefore, by agreeing to have a dog, you take responsibility for this peaceful creature and its impact on your family. Are you ready to be that responsible? The choice is yours.