What do relatives dream about?
We lose loved ones, lose relatives and friends, it is very painful and unbearably difficult. With inhuman force, pain exhausts you, without sparing, and knocks the ground out from under your feet. When you're close man no longerThe other 7 billion don’t matter. People leave this life for various reasons. But they always remain in our memories and occasionally spend in dreams.
Have you ever wondered what a dream is and why it occurs in your head? Scientists, psychologists and esotericists with psychics still have not come to a consensus. It is one thing to dream of a sea trip or an exciting trip. But what to do when frequently dream Close?
Editorial "Site" I agree that you cannot ignore such dreams. We figured out what caused the appearance of the deceased, and prepared for you recommendations on how to proceed in such cases.
Our grandmothers always knew that a dead person dreams of a dead person. warning. This is a message from the other world about the coming changes in your life. In this way, the deceased tries to transmit information to the world of the living: to warn or support.
In a dream, it is difficult to control yourself, but you need to try to listen carefully and remember everything that is said to you. Very often what is heard comes true. Do not follow the dead, it is a herald of illness, failure or imminent death.
In one of the encyclopedias of Slavic culture, the following recommendation is found: “If the deceased appeared in a dream, look at his legs.” If you do not see them, or if you do not see them, you should know that. devil. Drive her away and be baptized with all your might, recite the prayer that you know.
Modern and long-standing dream interpreters disagree on what causes the appearance of the deceased. Some believe that this is not good, while others, on the contrary, portend positive changes. Look. dream-telling, which are found in dream books.
Dream interpretation
If you think about it, What does a deceased grandmother dream of?Grandpa or anyone close to you, in most cases this dream speaks of missed opportunities. Always remember that the past cannot be returned. Don’t blame yourself for past mistakes. Night vision indicates that you are paying less attention to living people.
Esotericists and bioenergetics say that death Relationships with a loved one do not end. There is always a spiritual connection that allows you to feel painfully familiar features. The dead come to ask for help because the soul suffers without a physical body.
If in a dream the deceased asks you to feed him, hug him, kiss him or warm him, do not be afraid or deny him this. Only in this way can the soul find long-awaited peace.
Evaluate yours. emotionality after waking up. If you're safe after communion in the realm of Morpheus, then the deceased is well in the afterlife. But if you wake up in a cold sweat or fear haunts you for a long time, then the soul of the dead suffers.
DepositPhotos You do not need to seek help on the side - from veduns, healers and psychics. You risk wasting not only time, but also money. In most cases, dead Because you remember him. He was a significant person in your life, and you didn't experience the loss completely.
No one can deny the existence of an afterlife. Neither can anyone prove otherwise. Our bodies are not eternal, why do we condemn the soul to suffering? If you feel anxious after meeting the deceased in your sleep, try pray for himIf there are such prayers in your religion.
The Holy Fathers advise not to pay attention to dreams: Get up in the morning, read the morning prayer and go on your usual business. You can order fortyost in the church, a memorial service, lithium and give alms. Put a candle in the temple for the soul of the deceased. In this world he will receive the grace of God and your earthly prayer letter of love.
If disturbing dreams do not stop, light a church candle in the evening and ask a priest. consecrate. If you can't call a church minister, do it yourself. First cross yourself three times, read Our Father and ask the Lord for help. With a lighted candle, walk around all corners in the room, and then sprinkle them with holy water. He said, “Lord, let your will be done.” Not as I wish, but as You.
Prayer will always calm you down. But if for some reason you do not adhere to a certain religious doctrine, consult a psychologist. The specialist will help to survive the situation and understand the problem. Do not shut yourself up and do not accumulate anxiety. There are different situations in life, and sometimes there are those when the help of friends is necessary.
And in your dreams appeared dead relatives Or close ones? How did you get over it? Tell your story in the comments. For example, I am very afraid to imagine such a dream, I pray to God that this does not happen.
If the article was useful to you, show it to your friends on social networks.

Have you ever wondered what a dream is and why it occurs in your head? Scientists, psychologists and esotericists with psychics still have not come to a consensus. It is one thing to dream of a sea trip or an exciting trip. But what to do when frequently dream Close?
Editorial "Site" I agree that you cannot ignore such dreams. We figured out what caused the appearance of the deceased, and prepared for you recommendations on how to proceed in such cases.

Our grandmothers always knew that a dead person dreams of a dead person. warning. This is a message from the other world about the coming changes in your life. In this way, the deceased tries to transmit information to the world of the living: to warn or support.
In a dream, it is difficult to control yourself, but you need to try to listen carefully and remember everything that is said to you. Very often what is heard comes true. Do not follow the dead, it is a herald of illness, failure or imminent death.

In one of the encyclopedias of Slavic culture, the following recommendation is found: “If the deceased appeared in a dream, look at his legs.” If you do not see them, or if you do not see them, you should know that. devil. Drive her away and be baptized with all your might, recite the prayer that you know.
Modern and long-standing dream interpreters disagree on what causes the appearance of the deceased. Some believe that this is not good, while others, on the contrary, portend positive changes. Look. dream-telling, which are found in dream books.

Dream interpretation
- Dream of the XXI century: in life will come a new period. Seeing a crying dead person is a big fight.
- Oriental: there will be health problems.
- Imperial: events of the past do not give rest.
- The dream of Dmitry and Hope of Winter: a dream promises a long life. But in the inner circle there are hypocrites and traitors.
- Idiomatic: the difficult stage is over, tune in to a calm and measured life.
- Italian: to argue with a friend. You will defend your point of view.
- The dream book of Martyn Zadeki: disappointment and losses are coming. If the deceased mother in a dream helps with the housework, then family life is threatened.
- Little Velesov dream book: you feel a sense of guilt in relation to the deceased who came in a dream.
- Dreamnik Zhou-Gong: you will get news that will delight indescribably.
- Modern: to change the weather.
- Dream Felomena: kissing the dead in a dream - to a long and happy life.
- Vanga’s dream: if your father dreamed, then you will not keep your promises or become mired in debt. If you dream of a dead wife or husband, it means that during your life you did not fulfill the promise. Think about what it might be and try to fix it.

If you think about it, What does a deceased grandmother dream of?Grandpa or anyone close to you, in most cases this dream speaks of missed opportunities. Always remember that the past cannot be returned. Don’t blame yourself for past mistakes. Night vision indicates that you are paying less attention to living people.
Esotericists and bioenergetics say that death Relationships with a loved one do not end. There is always a spiritual connection that allows you to feel painfully familiar features. The dead come to ask for help because the soul suffers without a physical body.

If in a dream the deceased asks you to feed him, hug him, kiss him or warm him, do not be afraid or deny him this. Only in this way can the soul find long-awaited peace.
Evaluate yours. emotionality after waking up. If you're safe after communion in the realm of Morpheus, then the deceased is well in the afterlife. But if you wake up in a cold sweat or fear haunts you for a long time, then the soul of the dead suffers.

DepositPhotos You do not need to seek help on the side - from veduns, healers and psychics. You risk wasting not only time, but also money. In most cases, dead Because you remember him. He was a significant person in your life, and you didn't experience the loss completely.
No one can deny the existence of an afterlife. Neither can anyone prove otherwise. Our bodies are not eternal, why do we condemn the soul to suffering? If you feel anxious after meeting the deceased in your sleep, try pray for himIf there are such prayers in your religion.

The Holy Fathers advise not to pay attention to dreams: Get up in the morning, read the morning prayer and go on your usual business. You can order fortyost in the church, a memorial service, lithium and give alms. Put a candle in the temple for the soul of the deceased. In this world he will receive the grace of God and your earthly prayer letter of love.
If disturbing dreams do not stop, light a church candle in the evening and ask a priest. consecrate. If you can't call a church minister, do it yourself. First cross yourself three times, read Our Father and ask the Lord for help. With a lighted candle, walk around all corners in the room, and then sprinkle them with holy water. He said, “Lord, let your will be done.” Not as I wish, but as You.

Prayer will always calm you down. But if for some reason you do not adhere to a certain religious doctrine, consult a psychologist. The specialist will help to survive the situation and understand the problem. Do not shut yourself up and do not accumulate anxiety. There are different situations in life, and sometimes there are those when the help of friends is necessary.
And in your dreams appeared dead relatives Or close ones? How did you get over it? Tell your story in the comments. For example, I am very afraid to imagine such a dream, I pray to God that this does not happen.
If the article was useful to you, show it to your friends on social networks.