How Tatiana Vedeneyeva takes care of herself

65-year-old Tatiana Vedeneyeva and 50 will not give, so good the devil! In her years, the artist without embarrassment boasts of a slim figure and elegant legs, and also sincerely shares the secrets of unfading beauty. He will write a book about nutrition, then on television he will put all the cards on the table. In a word, smart and beautiful. Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are the secrets of beauty beloved by all “Aunt Tanya”. The actress strictly follows her rules!

Editorial "Site" I got it all. secrets of youth and beauty The restless artist in one article: how to eat so as not to get fat, what exercises to do, how to take care of yourself and what medical research to undergo a woman over 60.

At once you can not tell how old Tatiana Vedeneyeva. Such a figure and appearance can boast not all ladies under 40! The artist does not hide his age and honestly tells, How to prolong youth and keep it fresh. After experiencing a variety of diets and nutrition options, the woman even released a book - "Recipes Tatiana Vedeneyeva: I know what to eat to stay slim and beautiful."

Tatiana Vedeneyeva is convinced that efforts to preserve youth should be made from a young age - only such tactics will make both 40 and 65 look great. The presenter tirelessly insists that the main secret of her radiant appearance is a good and high-quality sleep. The actress sleeps strictly 8 hours a day in a cool bedroom with the heating turned off.

According to the woman, low temperatures during sleep contribute to rejuvenation and give a charge of vivacity in the morning. And if, after waking up, you also take a contrast shower, then there is no price for this habit! Well, looking at Tatiana and there is no doubt that this lifestyle will benefit all women.

As for the sharpened cheekbones of the actress and toned skin, Tatiana Veniaminovna does not hide that she uses the services of beauticians from time to time: I do not hide that I did Botox injections. Kolyu gels with hyaluronic acid, which remove nasolabial folds, improve the oval of the face, make the skin more elastic.

I also got rid of bags under my eyes. Some people think that rotten teeth are normal. And I think that bags under the eyes are indecent! And to look good, you need to take care of yourself, admits the woman.

The presenter, like all women of age, rejoices in the modern development of cosmetology. Modern medicine allows older women to look decent and feel welcome and happy. “I want to be young, interesting, attractive. And here all the means are good! – convinced Vedeneyeva.

When possible, the actress gives her face a rest - she does not use decorative cosmetics, but always keeps powder, lipstick and her favorite fragrance from Chanel in her purse.

As for the hairstyle, Tatiana Vedeneyeva always had her own opinion, and she tried to follow it. “There were three hairdressers in the newsroom, all of us combed the same way. I didn't want to be like everyone else, so I cut my hair like a boy. As a result, women, coming to the hairdresser, still ask the masters to cut them “under Vedeneeva”.

The presenter pays special attention to the diet and choice of products in the diet: I do not eat hard-to-digest food - pasta with bread, mashed potatoes with butter, fried potatoes, bananas, cakes, cakes. I don’t use sugar, I only put it in coffee. I use salt in minimal amounts. Fried, fatty, smoked - all this has no place in my diet.”

The woman almost does not eat meat, and prefers to cook in a steamer or on an aerogrill. If someone thinks that it is impossible to do without a sufficient amount of protein in the diet, Tatiana Vedeneyeva recommends filling its deficit with soy, nuts and seafood. Tatiana Vedeneyeva does not abuse water and drinks no more than 1.5 liters of liquid per day, and in the morning she uses water infused with silver.

When it comes to sports, Tatiana is not on the way with trainers. The host herself has repeatedly admitted that fitness is not for her. A woman of the soul tips in Pilates, always finds time for stretching exercises, does not neglect morning exercises and often abandons the car in favor of walking.

Another guarantee of a beautiful appearance is mental health and loved ones nearby. "Everything!" On numerous requests, I reveal one of the secrets of youth: carefully choose the people who are nearby. Sometimes you can meet just magical, writes in his Instagram actress.

“Of course we must try to love ourselves as nature has made us. But if something does not suit in appearance, there is nothing wrong with making small adjustments, Tatiana shared in an interview.

Especially today there are all conditions to look younger and feel healthier! The main secret, according to Tatiana Vedeneyeva, is not to think about age and stay young at heart. Then the eyes will shine, and the hair will shine, and the skin will be silky and smooth.

Are you ready to share your secrets of beauty, youth and cheerfulness? If yes, write in the comments, and don’t forget to share our inspirational article with your friends.


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