Brisket preparation recipe
Italian Pancetta (Rancetta) A true example of the perfect product! This is the Italian version of bacon, that is, they prepare a panchetta from fatty pork brisket. And if earlier an exquisite treat was available only to wealthy segments of the population, today a pork brisket, sluggish in spices, can be bought in any bench (pleasure is not cheap) or cooked at home (for everyone!).
"Site" will tell How to prepare brisket at homeTo get a real pancetta, only fresh, homemade and for mere pennies. The hardest thing in the recipe is not to eat before the time.
The main ingredient of the Italian dish is pork brisket. To make the pancetta really tasty, you need to choose the right meat. Make sure that the product is fresh, quality, on the skin, but without ribs, cartilage and other bonuses. The ideal option is a brisket weighing 1 kg. If the product is less or more, it is necessary to reduce or increase the amount of spices.
Of the spices, only salt, sugar and nitrite salt are required, which inhibits the growth of bacteria and increases the shelf life. Otherwise, feel free to experiment and replace the spices indicated in the recipe with more affordable or favorite ones.
By the way, pancetta comes in several types: pancetta tesa (flat as bacon), pancetta arrotolata (meat delicacy in the shape of a roll) and pancetta coppata (symbiosis of pancetta and coppa - dried pork neck). Today we suggest you prepare the first option, it is less troublesome. If you like it, experiment with others. Shall we?
The ingredients
Delicious homemade brisket It turns out to be amazing, aromatic, spicy, so not a drop of pity for the time spent on cooking! And even though the benefits of the panchetta are not too great, denying yourself the pleasure of trying a legendary product is an unforgivable mistake.
Choose a quality brisket and be patient, because everything delicious does not tolerate haste! If you like our great recipe for an Italian delicacy, don’t forget to share it with your friends. We are sure that the lover of delicacies will definitely like the recipe of ham from the steering wheel, which we shared earlier.

"Site" will tell How to prepare brisket at homeTo get a real pancetta, only fresh, homemade and for mere pennies. The hardest thing in the recipe is not to eat before the time.
The main ingredient of the Italian dish is pork brisket. To make the pancetta really tasty, you need to choose the right meat. Make sure that the product is fresh, quality, on the skin, but without ribs, cartilage and other bonuses. The ideal option is a brisket weighing 1 kg. If the product is less or more, it is necessary to reduce or increase the amount of spices.
Of the spices, only salt, sugar and nitrite salt are required, which inhibits the growth of bacteria and increases the shelf life. Otherwise, feel free to experiment and replace the spices indicated in the recipe with more affordable or favorite ones.

By the way, pancetta comes in several types: pancetta tesa (flat as bacon), pancetta arrotolata (meat delicacy in the shape of a roll) and pancetta coppata (symbiosis of pancetta and coppa - dried pork neck). Today we suggest you prepare the first option, it is less troublesome. If you like it, experiment with others. Shall we?
The ingredients
- 1kg pork brisket
- 25g table salt of large grinding
- 25g nitrite salt
- 15g sugar
- 15g black pepper
- 2.5g hot red pepper
- 2.5g mustard seeds
- 3g fennel seeds
- 2.5g dried garlic
- 4g dried Provence herbs
- 5g juniper berries
- To begin, prepare the spices: mix all the spices, including salt, and shreds in a mill, mortar or with a blender.
DepositPhotos - Put the brisket on the cutting board and thoroughly rub the resulting mixture. Evenly treat all the surfaces of the meat, including the sides.
DepositPhotos - Put the brisket in a plastic bag with a clasp, squeeze out maximum air from there. Instead of a package, you can use a baking form and food film. To get a pancetta, do not allow oxygen to enter the package! Send the brisket to the refrigerator for 7 days, turning it over daily and slightly kneading the meat with your hands. After a week, remove the meat from the refrigerator, drain the remaining liquid and wash the brisket from spices and salt under a stream of cold water. If there's no fluid, it's okay! The meat is quite fatty, and in fat, as you know, there is practically no moisture. At this stage, you can cut the skin and roll the brisket into a roll (pancetta arrotolata). And you can leave everything in its original form (pancetta tesa).
- Hang the brisket in a cool, dry, dark place for 2 weeks. To protect against insects, you can put a cotton bag on it, wrap it with a waffle towel or gauze.
- When the pancetta loses about 30% of its original volume, you can safely consider it ready. But if you are lucky enough to have a vacuum packer - pack the brisket in a bag and send it to the refrigerator for a few more days so that the remaining juices are evenly distributed.
DepositPhotos - Slice a wonderful delicacy in thin slices, use it simply, with wine and cheese, in the company of fresh bread or use it for cooking other dishes. Remember that the finished product is stored for 2-3 weeks!
Delicious homemade brisket It turns out to be amazing, aromatic, spicy, so not a drop of pity for the time spent on cooking! And even though the benefits of the panchetta are not too great, denying yourself the pleasure of trying a legendary product is an unforgivable mistake.
Choose a quality brisket and be patient, because everything delicious does not tolerate haste! If you like our great recipe for an Italian delicacy, don’t forget to share it with your friends. We are sure that the lover of delicacies will definitely like the recipe of ham from the steering wheel, which we shared earlier.