Corporate recipe for the most delicious in the world of brisket: golden, elegant, flavorful!
That happens sometimes is that you go for the meat pavilion and see on the counter stunning beauty Shmat fat with meat layer , which is so and calls: "to pickle me to pickle!" True connoisseurs is very difficult not to succumb to this temptation ...
That's just for such cases, «Website» produced brisket recipe at home -! Golden, elegant and blissfully balmy
Breast sheluheIngredienty in onion to bacon 1 kg of bacon (bacon with layers of meat) 3-5 cloves of garlic pepper, hops-suneli, curry to taste
Ingredients for the brine 2-3 handfuls of onion peel 1 l water 150 g of salt 1 tbsp. l. sugar 1-2 bay leaves 5 peas of black pepper
Preparation onion peel before using rinse. Breast can leave one piece, and can be cut into medium-sized chunks (so they better prosolyatsya). onion peel zaley water, add salt and sugar, bay leaf, pepper, bring to a boil. Li > Put the bacon in the brine and boil on low heat for about 30 minutes. The fire is off, but the fat even in it remains until cool. Get bacon , cleaned of adhering husk, laid out on a board and pat dry with paper towel. purified garlic to pass through the press, mix with pepper and other spices to your taste and sodium of gruel pieces of bacon. Each piece of wrap in the parchment and send in the refrigerator for at least an hour and preferably - over night. Now you can remove the sample!
Prepared for this recipe breast perfectly stored in the refrigerator, large reserves can be kept in the freezer compartment, hermetically packed.
Consume foods in moderation, preferably in the company of old friends with whom you share a recipe. Bon appetit!
That's just for such cases, «Website» produced brisket recipe at home -! Golden, elegant and blissfully balmy
Breast sheluheIngredienty in onion to bacon 1 kg of bacon (bacon with layers of meat) 3-5 cloves of garlic pepper, hops-suneli, curry to taste
Ingredients for the brine 2-3 handfuls of onion peel 1 l water 150 g of salt 1 tbsp. l. sugar 1-2 bay leaves 5 peas of black pepper
Preparation onion peel before using rinse. Breast can leave one piece, and can be cut into medium-sized chunks (so they better prosolyatsya). onion peel zaley water, add salt and sugar, bay leaf, pepper, bring to a boil. Li > Put the bacon in the brine and boil on low heat for about 30 minutes. The fire is off, but the fat even in it remains until cool. Get bacon , cleaned of adhering husk, laid out on a board and pat dry with paper towel. purified garlic to pass through the press, mix with pepper and other spices to your taste and sodium of gruel pieces of bacon. Each piece of wrap in the parchment and send in the refrigerator for at least an hour and preferably - over night. Now you can remove the sample!
Prepared for this recipe breast perfectly stored in the refrigerator, large reserves can be kept in the freezer compartment, hermetically packed.
Consume foods in moderation, preferably in the company of old friends with whom you share a recipe. Bon appetit!