How to properly grow radishes
Radice can not be attributed to the most popular vegetables, but due to the specific bitter taste it is indispensable for many summer salads. It is especially pleasant to eat the most useful root vegetables grown on your own plot.
And today's edition. "Site" will tell the secret of obtaining a good radish harvest thanks to a unique method of planting. And this method can be used for salad, carrots, basil ... Try it and fresh vitamins will always be on the table.
Radish cultivation for this method radish-growing We're going to need cardboard trays that normally store eggs. Getting such boxes is not a problem, and in stocky housewives they are already at hand.
Such a cardboard frame is used by experienced gardeners. In the rainy spring, cardboard saves plants from excessive moisture. And in drought, on the contrary, it retains water, eliminating the need to often water the beds.
First of all, decide on the landing site and prepare the soil. Then use a stationery knife and cut off the bottoms of the cardboard trays.
Now place cardboard frames on the bed, pressing them into the ground so that the ground fills the holes a little.
It remains only to plant radishes in each cell, sprinkle with earth, river sand or peat in 1.5-2 cm and water the bed.
By the way, sand gives several advantages: firstly, it warms up faster, and therefore root vegetables will grow and mature faster, and secondly, the radish will be clean, even if you tear it out in rainy weather.
After 7-10 days you can admire such wonderful green sprouts. Looks like the harvest promises to be great.
This method of planting does not need mulching or weeding. But it is quite versatile and can be used both on open ground and in a greenhouse. Be sure to try and make sure that radish-growing - it's easy.
Radish is extremely useful, and we have already described its incredible properties. Hard to believe, but it even treats the thyroid gland, bringing hormones into balance. So do not wait for spring, and start growing greens right in the house – and fresh vitamins will always be at hand.
Have you ever planted a radish or other garden in egg trays?
And today's edition. "Site" will tell the secret of obtaining a good radish harvest thanks to a unique method of planting. And this method can be used for salad, carrots, basil ... Try it and fresh vitamins will always be on the table.

Radish cultivation for this method radish-growing We're going to need cardboard trays that normally store eggs. Getting such boxes is not a problem, and in stocky housewives they are already at hand.
Such a cardboard frame is used by experienced gardeners. In the rainy spring, cardboard saves plants from excessive moisture. And in drought, on the contrary, it retains water, eliminating the need to often water the beds.

First of all, decide on the landing site and prepare the soil. Then use a stationery knife and cut off the bottoms of the cardboard trays.

Now place cardboard frames on the bed, pressing them into the ground so that the ground fills the holes a little.

It remains only to plant radishes in each cell, sprinkle with earth, river sand or peat in 1.5-2 cm and water the bed.

By the way, sand gives several advantages: firstly, it warms up faster, and therefore root vegetables will grow and mature faster, and secondly, the radish will be clean, even if you tear it out in rainy weather.

After 7-10 days you can admire such wonderful green sprouts. Looks like the harvest promises to be great.

This method of planting does not need mulching or weeding. But it is quite versatile and can be used both on open ground and in a greenhouse. Be sure to try and make sure that radish-growing - it's easy.

Radish is extremely useful, and we have already described its incredible properties. Hard to believe, but it even treats the thyroid gland, bringing hormones into balance. So do not wait for spring, and start growing greens right in the house – and fresh vitamins will always be at hand.
Have you ever planted a radish or other garden in egg trays?