Why you need to combine sports and proper nutrition

Every woman has her own personality traits. Someone has wide hips, someone has a thin waist, and someone has thick ankles. But in the desire to be slim all representatives of the fair sex converge. However, there is a special category of women who will never look slim. Theirs. type They call it stocky.


Often these girls are short, have relatively short arms and legs, unexpressed waist. Editorial "Site" It will tell you what a stocky physique is and how it is right for its owners to watch their figure.

Features of the figure Such girls have broad shoulders, a massive chest and a wide arrangement of ribs, an unexpressed waist, a powerful pelvis and legs. Short neck, rough hands. Round or square face. The owner of such a figure is not complete, may not even have fat folds, engage in professional sports and qualitatively gain muscle mass. Her weight is generally stable. She is strong, strong, agile, but not elegant at any weight. It does not matter if it weighs 65 kg or 50 kg.


You can not call such women full or fat, they just have a peculiar figure, far from the reference. However, there are a number of advantages. Stocky women are easier to bear a child, they have stronger immunity, they have denser skin, so wrinkles are not so pronounced. But on the way to the cherished forms, they make many mistakes. This is what you should not do if you are a stocky build.

What not to do
  1. Heavy weight loss or weight gain
    Short, fat girls. They always look bad, but at the same time very thin stocky women look comical.


  2. Sitting on strict diets
    Stocky girls are contraindicated hungry diets. With this physique, it is enough to sit on a rigid diet once to paralyze the metabolism. You will gain extra pounds from every banana or bun you eat. Correcting the effects of dieting will be very difficult.


  3. Allow the appearance of cellulite
    The fact is that it is more difficult for stocky women to drive it and it can be one of the main reasons for the appearance of varicose veins in the future.
  4. Wearing bulky clothes
    Many women wear hoodies to hide their figure. But they only make themselves visually lower and formless.


What do you do?
  1. Cardio and dancing
    With a stocky physique, it is very easy to build muscle mass, which makes it even wider. Therefore, you need to focus on cardio or dance regularly. This will give you the optimal weight for yourself.
  2. Forget dieting.
    Eat in a balanced way, but don’t make strict food restrictions. Nutritionists advise stocky girls to stick to a Mediterranean diet: lots of greens, green vegetables, fruits, fish, cheese, olive oil, spices, whole grain pasta and bread.


  3. Take care of the body.
    To prevent the appearance of varicose veins and cellulite, visit the sauna, bath, undergo massage courses and try to swim more.
  4. Find your style.
    Do not overuse loose and loose things. A classic with an emphasis on femininity is best suited. This will make you look very elegant.


In fact, the type of your body is not as important as your inner feeling in it. If you feel like a queen and know how to present yourself correctly, then no one will even pay attention to your proportions. Therefore, it is important to understand that your figure will not turn into a cherished hourglass, but this does not mean that you do not have charm or charm. Just take care of yourself and love yourself as you are.

We also talked about whether to go on a diet.

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