What a successful personal life depends on
A lot depends on the type of attachment. For example, confidence A person to other people, how he manifests himself in relationships, as well as emotional state.
Types of Attachment We advise you to identify your attachment type and continue to accept vitality depending on him. This is especially true for decisions related to personal life.
Types of attachment directly depend on our parentage As a child. This is when they are formed once and for life.
4 Types of Attachment
This article can help adults navigate their relationships, what they really need.
It will also be useful for young parents. Now you know what to do if you want your child to grow up happy and it is easy for him to establish a stable long-term relationship.
This is a contribution to the future of your child, for which he will always be grateful.
Types of Attachment We advise you to identify your attachment type and continue to accept vitality depending on him. This is especially true for decisions related to personal life.

Types of attachment directly depend on our parentage As a child. This is when they are formed once and for life.
4 Types of Attachment
- Secure attachment
This type of attachment is the right one. It is formed when the mother-child were healthy, the child received enough attention, love and care.
It is this constant emotional contact that provides for the child. sense of securityTrust and healthy self-esteem.
People with this attachment style do not depend on their lovers, but they do not close themselves from them, trying to protect themselves from them. potential pain. These people respect themselves and their loved ones, they always try to find a compromise. - Avoiding type of attachment
This type is formed when parents pay little attention to emotional needs of the childThey do not pay enough attention to him or care about his life.
These people are very closed, avoid close relationships. They tend to hide their feelings, or even push other people away. This is because the child was ignored as a child. So he learned. suppress Love and care, because they were indifferent adults. - Anxiety type of attachment
This is the kind of attachment style that will form when parents are very unpredictable. When a mother reacts differently to the same behavior, she doesn’t know what to expect. It is because of this that the strongest develops. permanent anxiety.
Usually these people have low self-esteem, they are always drowning in the water. storm of his own emotions. On the one hand, they are afraid of being alone, and on the other, they do not want to seem too intrusive. They often go into themselves, but can not be in this state for a long time. - Disoriented/disorganizing attachment type
Such attachment is formed in children who have not only been ignored, but also subjected to mental or emotional stress. physical abuse. 970062
Such a person perceives in a negative light both himself and others. He doesn’t trust people and thinks he’s unworthy of love.

This article can help adults navigate their relationships, what they really need.
It will also be useful for young parents. Now you know what to do if you want your child to grow up happy and it is easy for him to establish a stable long-term relationship.
This is a contribution to the future of your child, for which he will always be grateful.
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