How date of birth affects character compatibility

It often happens that people are attracted to each other. There is passion and feelings between them, but the relationship doesn’t work out. Esotericists believe that these people are simply not destined to be together. Astrologers in this case are sure that it was not without the influence of the zodiac constellation.

Today. "Site" They will tell you what zodiac signs are. incompatible in marriage and relationships. They are attracted to each other, but together they will not be happy.

Pair compatibility
  1. Aries and Gemini
    At first, everything goes well in this pair. Aries are courteous and pleasant, and Gemini love attention. However, over time, this relationship develops into a permanent quarrel. Twins can not cope with the temperament of Aries, in a quarrel they are most often offended and suffer. Nothing good comes of it.

  2. Virgo and Aries
    These signs stretch to each other: Virgo lacks the energy that comes from Aries, and he, in turn, lacks the peace of the Virgo. However, Virgo ultimately proves to be too complex and practical a person. Aries get bored, and Virgo gets tired of this excessive energy. That's how this relationship breaks down. Mostly without drama, though.

  3. Twins and Taurus
    Taurus is a magnet for amorous and windy Gemini. Taurus is flattered by the attention of Gemini. The only problem is that harmony cannot be found in such a union. Taurus are conservative, and Gemini are easy to lift and carefree. Taurus understand that they will not receive returns from a partner, they are disappointed. This is where the relationship comes to an end.

  4. Taurus and Sagittarius
    It's a similar story. At first, Taurus is attracted to freedom-loving and independent Sagittarius. But then they realize that Sagittarius are too independent. Sagittarius cannot put up with the conservatism of Taurus. And the roads diverge.

  5. Twins and Cancer
    The Wind Gemini sees Cancers as too stable and predictable. The problem is that they get bored quickly. Once that happens, the relationship is over. It is worth saying that Cancers can painfully perceive such a gap.

  6. Lion and Scorpio
    Two strong and bright signs. They are attracted to each other, strength and self-sufficiency work better than any aphrodisiac. But soon this mutual admiration and admiration turns into rivalry. Begins to clarify relationships and loud quarrels, and which each remains with his opinion.

  7. Fish and Lion
    Leo is a hot, bright and active zodiac sign. Fish attract him with their mystery and inaccessibility. At first, it all looks very romantic, with broad gestures characteristic of Leos. However, soon Leos realize that their chosen one is not so much mysterious as immersed in themselves and melancholy. Lviv is repulsive and they quickly end the relationship.

  8. Sagittarius and Virgo
    Sagittarius are almost the most fierce adventurers. When meeting with Virgo, Sagittarius may feel that he has found a life partner. But the reality is different: Sagittarius will want to continue looking for adventure, and Virgo needs peace and quiet.

  9. Libra and Scorpio
    Libra is quite an active sign, but they do not like unnecessary fuss and boasting. Scorpions are good at it. Despite all this, it is impossible not to fall in love with a charming Scorpio. It will be a beautiful novel, but it will end soon enough.

  10. Capricorn and Aquarius
    Saturn makes sure the two are attracted to each other. However, these signs are too different. Aquarius is a star that likes to attract attention, and Capricorn is quiet, slow and invisible. At first, Capricorn will seem to Aquarius an excellent listener, but then he will want more emotional return. Capricorn just wants silence.

Of course, this is not a sentence, because in such matters there are often exceptions. There are signs of the zodiac, in which their characteristic features do not manifest too much. Many couples learn to live with the shortcomings of their partner. Sometimes love is stronger than the influence of the stars. Have you ever met an inappropriate zodiac sign?


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