Recipe for an invigorating hot drink

Autumn is definitely a wonderful time. The summer heat remained far behind, and the leaves turned red and yellow. Women and men can finally change tired T-shirts and shorts for something more interesting. Yes, nature begins to prepare for winter, but seasonal dishes appear on the kitchen table. autumn.

One of these “gifts of autumn” can rightly be called gluvein. A drink that warms the body and soul. Sometimes calming, sometimes invigorating, but always uplifting.

The history of this potion begins from the time of ancient Rome. At that time, the use of condiments in any dish and especially a drink was the lot of a rich man, since they were a great shortage and not everyone could afford it.

In addition, the Romans did not warm it, and the seasonings themselves, in addition to giving taste, had a positive effect on the safety of the drink and did not allow it to sour. Ideal for a long hike or a long stay in the cellar.

The modern temperature degree of gluvein appeared only in the Middle Ages, mainly in Northern Europe and Britain. Interestingly, it was done on a more noble and sustained basis than it is now.

Prepare a delicious hot potion at home is not difficult. Autumn drink recipe It leaves room for imagination, but it is still worth sticking to simple basics so as not to spoil its taste.

The ingredients
  • 10-12 pieces of frame
  • 750 ml of boiling water
  • 5-7 circles of ginger
  • 5 carnations
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2-3 tablespoons of honey

  1. Time to create your hot masterpiece in stages. Put the carcade, the cloves and the cinnamon together. Add some sliced ginger to them.

  2. Pour the spice with boiling water and wrap all this good, for example, in a towel, so that all the ingredients are well infused in hot water for at least an hour.

  3. Strain the liquid through a sieve and add honey. Drink ready!

No matter where to pour hot and fragrant gluvein, both adults and children can drink it. Do not restrain yourself, but rather indulge in a cup of a warming drink, because this is a great way to remove the autumn blues and smile at the rare autumn sun.

We hope you like our recipe and will be happy!


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