In what proportions to mix hair dyes

Sometimes it happens that hair color It is different from what you expect before the procedure. In most cases, this is because many people miss important nuances when mixing colors of different shades.

Anyone who has ever faced such a problem, "Site" will tell How to properly mix hair dyesTo achieve the desired result when coloring and not be disappointed in your new look.

How to mix hair dyes Hair coloring is a serious step for any girl. It is necessary not only to make sure that the paint does not harm the structure of the hair, but also to take care that after dyeing the hair acquired exactly the shade that will refresh and make the image more spectacular, and not spoil it.

The most common mistakes when dyeing hair are often made due to gaps in color knowledge. Before you dye your hair, it is important to understand what shades of paint go well with each other and in what proportions they need to be mixed, as well as to determine how saturated the hair color should be in the end.

Although mixing different tones of paint is a complex technique that only experienced specialists know, everyone can master it if you adhere to 5 main rules.

The first and most important rule to learn is that you can not mix more than three different tones of paint.

The second rule is to mix only close shades.

In no case should you mix the paints of different companies, since each manufacturer has its own shade palette. Also, to remain satisfied with the result, do not forget about the observance of proportions, calculate the required amount of each shade.

And lastly, take into account the time of paint aging. It is very important to remember that the same color of paint can look different on different types of hair, and the degree of color saturation depends on the time of aging.

When deciding on home hair dyeing, adhere to these tips, and do not forget about the simplest. For example, the fact that for the dilution of paint metal dishes are not at all suitable. It is best to use a glass or plastic container.

As for the proportions in which it is necessary to mix hair dyes, their calculation should begin, focusing primarily on the length of the hair.

The total consumption of paint on hair, which reach only to the shoulder line, is 60 ml, on average - 120 ml, and on long - 180 ml of paint.

To get a hue of tone, the paint should be mixed with an oxidizer in a ratio of 1: 1. If you want to use several shades of paint, all of them must initially be mixed with an oxidizer in a separate container and only after that - with each other.

Depending on what shade you want to get, you can use a little more paint of this shade.

And to understand what color will eventually turn out, use the palette scale indicated on the paint packaging. Select the numbers corresponding to the tone of one and the second paint, add them together, and then divide the resulting number by 2.

The end result of this simple arithmetic equation will show the figure of the tone that will be obtained when mixing the selected shades of paint.


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