Is it possible to determine the character by the manner of walking?

The individuality of a person is revealed in small things. There are many of them, and they all form a complete picture of the individual. You can study a person and get to know him thoroughly only by analyzing all these little details that may seem completely unimportant at first.

One of these details is the way a person moves, his gait.

We often judge people by the way they walk. Considering that a person’s walking style reflects his character, we forget that gait sometimes hides him.

American psychologists in the early 80s discovered interesting features of human gait. For example, people can be divided into two types depending on the way they walk. The first type of gait - youth, it is characterized by rapid sweeping steps and elastic rhythm.

The second style is senile. People who move in this manner mostly walk, leaning forward, stiff and slow.

These types are independent of age. So, many students have an senile style of walking, and people after 60 can almost jump.

The second type is often attributed to emotionally stable, calm and patient people, and the first to extravagant and open adventurers.

But actually. gait It is quite difficult to determine, because many people try to control their step and specially learn to move more confidently.

If you want to adjust your own walking style or want to analyze the gait of acquaintances, you can familiarize yourself with the key points that should be paid special attention to.

Human gait properties
  1. posture
    Slouching can be a habit from adolescence, or it can be a sign of guilt and insecurity. But the straight back and straightened shoulders indicate, if not confidence, then at least the desire to appear confident. This can say a lot about a person. 197998

  2. Walking speed
    A quick step is characteristic of leaders. However, beware of people who are too quick, they can be quite selfish and arrogant.

    The walk of a confident manA person who does not need the approval of others will be slow and unhurried. But minting is a sign of insecurity. Such a person feels awkward near other people and is afraid to appear not “his” in the company.

    Those who walk slowly and broadly are not used to rushing and serving others.

  3. Step length
    Step length is not the best criterion for determining a person’s character. Small people often walk confidently but in small steps. Well, tall people can walk big. However, this does not guarantee that they have an iron will and a willingness to face any setback.

  4. Position of feet and hands
    A shuffling gait is observed in people who are stuck in the past, in their old failures and mistakes made once. It’s like it’s hard to get your foot off the ground.

    Pay attention to the position of the feet. If the socks are facing inward, the person wants to appear as invisible as possible. But the unfolded socks indicate openness of views and willingness to accept new information.

  5. Head tilt
    Sometimes it seems that only very complex personalities walk with their heads down, but this is a deceptive impression! Deep and thoughtful people, who often hover in their fantasies, can also look like this.

    But with people who walk upside down, you need to be extremely careful. It's very difficult to negotiate with them.

Analyzing your behavior is a good idea. It often happens that it is because of some qualities that you do not even notice that you may not add up. relationship.

For example, many people have enough. hubrisNot smiling or thinking about something. You may not even realize how you look from the outside until you notice it in the photo or someone tells you directly about it.

Of course, you don’t have to change your whole personality just to everyone likes. But there’s nothing wrong with changing the very things that keep you from achieving your goals, like building good relationships with powerful people.


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