My son is an adult, educated, and I still blame myself for not giving him enough time.
There are no things a caring mother cannot do. In reality, not all women can devote themselves to children from birth and throughout the rest of their lives. Should I? A woman takes on her fragile shoulders work, home, life, and at the same time she remains a loving wife and a good mother. Society put labels on us, because of which mothers, the closest people on earth, do not feel like good mothers for their children. Let me tell you why you're a good mom.
Caring mother Raising a child is a responsible occupation. There is no single correct formula for cultivating geniuses and good people. The fact that the child is happy and feels the love of the mother can be understood by his behavior. Just watch your child and you'll know you're doing the right thing. This is how a child who has a good mother behaves.
If your child trusts you, he can share his dreams, fears and even get angry in your presence. If your child does not hide the emotions at home, then he feels safe next to you. He knows that he can come to his mother and tell everything that bothers him. He knows that you will listen, give advice and hold your child tightly.
He wants to spend time with you The child always has something to do. But if he comes up to you just like that, asks how you're doing, and he wants to play with you, and you give him that opportunity, then you have a happy child. Children need to be with their mother sometimes. Sometimes it takes 5 minutes, and sometimes you even want to help your mother around the house. It means you're doing the right thing.
He says “thank you” and “please”, does not extort toys with hysterical crying and shares them in the sandbox. If a child cleans up toys after a game, then he knows how hard it is for his mother to find the strength to clean up after work. He cares about you and those around him. Although he is a child, he is already a man with a capital letter. And it's your fault.
Good parents from an early age teach their children to be attentive and follow safety rules. If he knows how to look around and comes home from the yard without reminders, then he is independent and you have nothing to worry about. This child will not be offended, and he thinks about the consequences, no matter how old he is. Because that's what a loving mother taught me.
Your child is active and inquisitive if he has a hobby or he goes to some amateur clubs. He has a growing interest in certain areas, and you give him the opportunity to prove himself. This is a good push towards a favorite business in adult life.
Without the example of parents, all their moral teachings are an empty sound. You can tell a child a hundred times not to shout, but if you raise your voice in anger for the lessons you have not done, it will be useless. If you try to behave restrained, not to express yourself, give up bad habits, be sure that the child will not have them.
Children from the first day of life learn everything from mom and dad. They adopt facial expressions and gestures, vocabulary, habits. Nobody is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. You are a caring mother, if you apologize for your mistakes, try to be the best version of yourself for the sake of the child growing up happy and loved. Remember that making mistakes in life is normal, apologizing and correcting them is also good. But never feel guilty about not having such a social status or being able to afford to go to sea with a child. The most important thing for children is their mother’s attention, understanding and support, and the rest they will understand later.

Caring mother Raising a child is a responsible occupation. There is no single correct formula for cultivating geniuses and good people. The fact that the child is happy and feels the love of the mother can be understood by his behavior. Just watch your child and you'll know you're doing the right thing. This is how a child who has a good mother behaves.

If your child trusts you, he can share his dreams, fears and even get angry in your presence. If your child does not hide the emotions at home, then he feels safe next to you. He knows that he can come to his mother and tell everything that bothers him. He knows that you will listen, give advice and hold your child tightly.

He wants to spend time with you The child always has something to do. But if he comes up to you just like that, asks how you're doing, and he wants to play with you, and you give him that opportunity, then you have a happy child. Children need to be with their mother sometimes. Sometimes it takes 5 minutes, and sometimes you even want to help your mother around the house. It means you're doing the right thing.

He says “thank you” and “please”, does not extort toys with hysterical crying and shares them in the sandbox. If a child cleans up toys after a game, then he knows how hard it is for his mother to find the strength to clean up after work. He cares about you and those around him. Although he is a child, he is already a man with a capital letter. And it's your fault.

Good parents from an early age teach their children to be attentive and follow safety rules. If he knows how to look around and comes home from the yard without reminders, then he is independent and you have nothing to worry about. This child will not be offended, and he thinks about the consequences, no matter how old he is. Because that's what a loving mother taught me.

Your child is active and inquisitive if he has a hobby or he goes to some amateur clubs. He has a growing interest in certain areas, and you give him the opportunity to prove himself. This is a good push towards a favorite business in adult life.

Without the example of parents, all their moral teachings are an empty sound. You can tell a child a hundred times not to shout, but if you raise your voice in anger for the lessons you have not done, it will be useless. If you try to behave restrained, not to express yourself, give up bad habits, be sure that the child will not have them.

Children from the first day of life learn everything from mom and dad. They adopt facial expressions and gestures, vocabulary, habits. Nobody is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. You are a caring mother, if you apologize for your mistakes, try to be the best version of yourself for the sake of the child growing up happy and loved. Remember that making mistakes in life is normal, apologizing and correcting them is also good. But never feel guilty about not having such a social status or being able to afford to go to sea with a child. The most important thing for children is their mother’s attention, understanding and support, and the rest they will understand later.
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