Russian test so that an elderly teacher drops a stingy tear

Correct spelling of dictionary words is one of the criteria for literacy. It is difficult not only for children but also for many adults. Writing such words can only be memorized, which is not so easy. After all, if there are only 100 examples in the multiplication table, then about 800 dictionary words are studied in school alone.

Our test will allow readers to check themselves, as well as help remember the correct spelling of vocabulary and other words in which we often make annoying mistakes.

Writing dictionary words
  1. (a) Abaregen;
    (b) aboriginal;
    (c) abarigen;

  2. (a) Squeeze;
    (b) to ruffle;
    c) to ruffle;
    d) to ruffle.
  3. (a) The truce;
    (b) periphery;
    (c) pyreferia;
    (d) periphery.
  4. (a) Rum steak;
    (b) Ramsteak;
    (c) frame steak;

  5. (a) The cottage;
    (b) cathege;
    (c) the cuttage;
    d) cottage.
  6. (a) Plain;
    (b) flat;
    (c) both are correct (these are two different words).
  7. (a) Poralic;
    (b) password;
    c) paralysis;
    (d) porous.
  8. (a) Don Juansky;
    (b) Don Juan.
    (c) Don Juanese.

  9. (a) Limit;
    (b) a chapel;
    (c) both are correct (these are different words).
  10. (a) Long awaited;
    (b) long-awaited;
    (c) long-awaited;
    d) long-awaited.
  11. (a) Calculate;
    (b) calculate;
    (c) calculate;
    (d) calculate.

Correct answers

  1. abonp.andgene.
  2. Wh.yeDestroy.
  3. PPherp.andFeria.
  4. RRonMsteak.
  5. KottEdge.
  6. RRandvnina.
  7. PPandp.andLich.
  8. Don Juan, but Don Juan. Write together.
  9. Both options are true (these are different words). prandThis is an extension to the temple, andherBusiness is the limit to anything.

  10. Long wait.nWhoa.
  11. Rahce?andHide.

When meeting a person, 3 moments are always remembered: appearance, circumstances of the meeting and his speech. According to the manner of conversation of a new acquaintance, we most often make assumptions about his education, upbringing and mindset. Get rid of the typical mistakes that betray an illiterate person, and then others will listen to you with great pleasure.


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