Simple words, but most people will be ashamed and make mistakes.
Writing words without mistakes is sometimes very difficult. To remember the spelling of words from our test, some people will have to cover themselves with dictionaries. But it's worth it. Literacy is an indicator of culture. Maintaining it at a high level requires constant efforts.
Words without mistakes
Correct answers
We hope you have had no trouble taking our literacy test. And if you have difficulties in writing some words, then you need to remember them so that you never blush, making an elementary mistake.

Words without mistakes
- A suitor, a suitor, or maybe a suitor?
(a) Uhojore
(b) suitor
c) suitor - Whisper or whisper?
(a) Whisper
(b) Shopping - Silent or silent?
(a) Silent
(b) Silent - Tasty or tasteless?
(a) Tasty
(b) Tasty. - Adjutant or adjutant?
(a) aideutant
(b) Adjutant - Solicitor or solicitor?
(a) Complainant
(b) sympathetic - Legitimacy, legitimacy or legitimacy?
(a) Legitimate
(b) Ligitimous
(c) Legitimous - Artificial or artificial?
(a) Artificial
(b) Artificial - Nahum or oumah?
(a) at random
(b) On the edge. - Touch or touch?
(a) Feel it.
(b) Touching. - Playoffs, playoffs or playoffs?
(a) Playoffs
(b) Playoffs
(c) Play-offs - Scrupulous or scrupulous?
(a) scrupulous
(b) Scrupulous - Rinse or rinse?
(a) Wash it.
(b) Flats.
c) That's right.
Correct answers
- Let’s assume that we mean a person who gives a girl a sign of attention, and not eat ears. That's it.andwellherp. The first vowel is checked by stress in the word “court”. After hissing for the transmission of the percussion vowel "o" according to the rules, the letter "e" is written (conductor, trainee, simulator, boyfriend).
- In the roots of words after hissing under stress write "e", if you can pick up a single root word with "e". For example: wool - wool, damn - devil, shYeesweat, whisper. If the same root word with "e" can not be found, write "o". For example: gooseberry, rustle, prim.
- Bee.onNoisy, since after the prefix “demon”, the deaf consonant “sh” follows.
- After “silent” and pulls to write “tasteless”. But rightly so.zdelicious. We write the prefix “without” because the root “taste” begins with a ringing sound.
- According to the rules, a solid sign is put after prefixes that end in a consonant, if after them the letters e, e, yu, me come. In the word helluCombatants often make a mistake, because few people perceive “hell” as a prefix. There is an explanation for this case. With a dividing solid sign, words of foreign origin are written with the initial parts “hell”, “ab”, “about”, “diz”, “in”, “con” which are prefixes in the source language, and in Russian as prefixes are usually not distinguished. For example: injection, abjuration, disjunction, object, hellBCjunction.
Interestingly, according to this rule, it would also be worth writing an “abuser”. After all, the word “ab(y)yuz” comes from the English abuse (ab + use). However, it has not yet entered the dictionary, and its writing continues to be a subject of debate. Meanwhile, the site "Gramota.ru" recommends writing "abad"youUser. - Well, with the writing of a solid sign, we seem to have figured it out. Now let's fix what we've been through. Did you write "suppressive"? Mistake! It is easy to think that “under” is a prefix, after which, according to the rules, it is worth putting a firm sign. However, the prefix here is “po”, and the root is “dyach” (from the word deyak). Soft sign is part of the root, so write, of course, underyouCell.
- The dictionary word “L”herg.and“Tim” just needs to be remembered.
- Earlier in the word “suit”ceTwain was distinguished by the root “skill” and the suffix “studios”. And now "art" is considered the root as a whole, and the word "artificial" has become a dictionary.
- at random. First of all, there is no word “obum” in Russian. Secondly, adverbs with the prefix "on" (forever, in two, on an empty stomach), as a rule, are written together.
- Why do we write together "at random" andtouchinglySeparately? Because it's a noun with an excuse. Yes, in its meaning it is close to dialects, but prepositions with words are always written separately.
- Writing double consonants in borrowings is one of the most controversial topics in Russian linguistics (based on the Literacy (Russian) channel).
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A doubled "f" in Anglicisms usually falls out. Compare: office (office), official (official), offline (offline). But if ff is at the end of a word, the double "f" is retained. In the dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, edited by Vinogradov, it is indicated that the wordplayoffs” refers to the male genus, undeclined and unchangeable, consists of two parts that are separated by a hyphen. - The wordthoroughborrowed from French (scrupuleu). His writing should be remembered.
- The word “strip” exists, but in some dictionaries it is marked as colloquial. Therefore, in any case, it is better to use a neutral strip.
We hope you have had no trouble taking our literacy test. And if you have difficulties in writing some words, then you need to remember them so that you never blush, making an elementary mistake.
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