The iatrogenic psychological impasse
Interesting there's a psychosomatic thing — iatrogenic (gr. iatros — physician + genes — caused by arising). This disorder is provoked by a doctor or medical literature, or pop medicine, or experts in medicine of the people.
Simply put, iatrogenic is when a person misinterprets the words of a careless doctor or read, set himself a fictitious diagnosis, and his condition deteriorated. And mental, and often physical. Prone to this the people of hypochondriacal character, insecure, and suggestible gipertireoze.
That's all I need?
In everyday psychology, in my experience, it is possible to speak about a similar phenomenon — psychological, iatrogenic (code name because iatrogenic medical and also psychological in origin).
Psychological iatrogenic — the deterioration of the psychological state provoked by a psychologist, psychotherapist, psychological literature, psihologie and very versed in the psychology of acquaintances.
What is this degradation? Increase anxiety, paranoid fantasies about his deplorable mental condition.
Strengthening of self-criticism — the person starts to use psychological concepts to push you around like.The attitude to itself as to an object. Increased passivity and helplessness — I'm, like, sick-troubled, unable to do anything.Despair from a huge number found at his "geese". Not to mention the fact that the effort and time spent to fight with far-fetched psychological problems. Surely people did it all before, but now he had new tools.
As it happens most often? Very simple — a person learns something psychological, trying it on himself, set himself the diagnosis. Psychological language neutral. It describes and explains. The everyday language primarily expresses an emotional attitude, he estimated. And imagine what happens when a very impressive-sounding psychological terms a person begins to use, as a way to assess yourself, and invest emotions? Previously, these same emotions invested in everyday words — the whiner, for example. And it sounded just aggressive-estimated. And here instead of the word whiner sounds neurotic — not just aggressive-estimated, but seemed to be scientific, as if a great knowledge and objectivity. Although the meaning a person invests the same.
In fact, the person their self pereformuliruem as a supposedly objective psychological problem. And begins with this challenge to fight in different ways, mostly sadistic, depleting your psyche.The problem is that he ignores and suppresses the yourself living. After all, put yourself a psychological diagnosis — it means to treat yourself as an object of correction.To be in alienation from itself. To perceive their internal processes as a problem, but not as a part of life.
But the path to psychological integrity — exactly the opposite.
The amazing thing is that this psychological literacy helps and hurts person at a time.More precisely, by turns — at first helps, then hurts. On the one hand, the recognition of psychological terminology, phenomena, mechanisms, relieves emotional state. Here with us was something incomprehensible to us, some vague feeling tormented, the uncertainty inside was disturbed. But we read that that we have high anxiety, frustrated needs, and emotional deprivation. And that such hopeless neurotics and sometimes it is even normal. And relieved, because the uncertainty was replaced by the relative certainty of the people identified and called my condition, outlined his problem, and that it has become less daunting. And there was hope that once it is known to experts problems, they are solved. However, the psychologist man is unlikely, and more likely themselves to "treat" books.
But then there is a strange shifter. Help of this knowledge becomes offensive and overwhelming. They block the domestic development, because man is his real inner life is ignored, replacing it with abstractions. Diagnoses support the work of the defense mechanisms — rationalization, denial, projection.
It is important to clarify what psychological iatrogenic can be directly caused by the words of the psychologist, not very careful what he says to the client. But often there is the law "Everything that can be misunderstood will be misunderstood." The client often interpreterpath neutral words psychologist as, making negative conclusions about yourself. Put to itself diagnoses neurotic, the border guard, with an inferiority complex, Narcissus, isteroid, etc. this psychologist needs to closely and work with the client's tendency to draw such conclusions. Actually, the problem with the iatrogenic coming directly from the psychologist is not the most urgent, in my opinion. Much sharper than what comes from pop-psychologists, books, blogs, and especially psychologically advanced Amateurs. That's where spilling all these crazy diagnoses and negative predictions, questionable definition of the norm/not norm. On the other hand, there are often works of the law "anything that can be misunderstood will be misunderstood." Even serious and respectable authors, classics, psychology, people interpret sadistically for themselves and others.
How can that be? It turns out, for psychological literacy, these psychologists argue, it also discouraged. I personally, as a psychologist, for psychological literacy. But conscious, with an understanding of why you have this literacy to use. Like this? I propose to reflect on how you are using this literacy, through inspection issues:
1. Helps me or hinders me?
2. Inspiring or overwhelming, when I myself used to read? Gives a sense of perspective or deadlock?
3. Criticize yourself or help yourself, trying on a psychological theory?
Of course, such questions to ask yourself every time hard. But you can at least keep in mind, at least implicitly try to understand — what I do when doing something.Because, remember, psychology is designed to help, facilitate, give perspective, and not Vice versa. And if on the contrary, you use it for other purposes.
Author: Danila Gulyaev
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: danilling.livejournal.com/38615.html
Simply put, iatrogenic is when a person misinterprets the words of a careless doctor or read, set himself a fictitious diagnosis, and his condition deteriorated. And mental, and often physical. Prone to this the people of hypochondriacal character, insecure, and suggestible gipertireoze.

That's all I need?
In everyday psychology, in my experience, it is possible to speak about a similar phenomenon — psychological, iatrogenic (code name because iatrogenic medical and also psychological in origin).
Psychological iatrogenic — the deterioration of the psychological state provoked by a psychologist, psychotherapist, psychological literature, psihologie and very versed in the psychology of acquaintances.
What is this degradation? Increase anxiety, paranoid fantasies about his deplorable mental condition.
Strengthening of self-criticism — the person starts to use psychological concepts to push you around like.The attitude to itself as to an object. Increased passivity and helplessness — I'm, like, sick-troubled, unable to do anything.Despair from a huge number found at his "geese". Not to mention the fact that the effort and time spent to fight with far-fetched psychological problems. Surely people did it all before, but now he had new tools.
As it happens most often? Very simple — a person learns something psychological, trying it on himself, set himself the diagnosis. Psychological language neutral. It describes and explains. The everyday language primarily expresses an emotional attitude, he estimated. And imagine what happens when a very impressive-sounding psychological terms a person begins to use, as a way to assess yourself, and invest emotions? Previously, these same emotions invested in everyday words — the whiner, for example. And it sounded just aggressive-estimated. And here instead of the word whiner sounds neurotic — not just aggressive-estimated, but seemed to be scientific, as if a great knowledge and objectivity. Although the meaning a person invests the same.
In fact, the person their self pereformuliruem as a supposedly objective psychological problem. And begins with this challenge to fight in different ways, mostly sadistic, depleting your psyche.The problem is that he ignores and suppresses the yourself living. After all, put yourself a psychological diagnosis — it means to treat yourself as an object of correction.To be in alienation from itself. To perceive their internal processes as a problem, but not as a part of life.

But the path to psychological integrity — exactly the opposite.
The amazing thing is that this psychological literacy helps and hurts person at a time.More precisely, by turns — at first helps, then hurts. On the one hand, the recognition of psychological terminology, phenomena, mechanisms, relieves emotional state. Here with us was something incomprehensible to us, some vague feeling tormented, the uncertainty inside was disturbed. But we read that that we have high anxiety, frustrated needs, and emotional deprivation. And that such hopeless neurotics and sometimes it is even normal. And relieved, because the uncertainty was replaced by the relative certainty of the people identified and called my condition, outlined his problem, and that it has become less daunting. And there was hope that once it is known to experts problems, they are solved. However, the psychologist man is unlikely, and more likely themselves to "treat" books.
But then there is a strange shifter. Help of this knowledge becomes offensive and overwhelming. They block the domestic development, because man is his real inner life is ignored, replacing it with abstractions. Diagnoses support the work of the defense mechanisms — rationalization, denial, projection.
It is important to clarify what psychological iatrogenic can be directly caused by the words of the psychologist, not very careful what he says to the client. But often there is the law "Everything that can be misunderstood will be misunderstood." The client often interpreterpath neutral words psychologist as, making negative conclusions about yourself. Put to itself diagnoses neurotic, the border guard, with an inferiority complex, Narcissus, isteroid, etc. this psychologist needs to closely and work with the client's tendency to draw such conclusions. Actually, the problem with the iatrogenic coming directly from the psychologist is not the most urgent, in my opinion. Much sharper than what comes from pop-psychologists, books, blogs, and especially psychologically advanced Amateurs. That's where spilling all these crazy diagnoses and negative predictions, questionable definition of the norm/not norm. On the other hand, there are often works of the law "anything that can be misunderstood will be misunderstood." Even serious and respectable authors, classics, psychology, people interpret sadistically for themselves and others.
How can that be? It turns out, for psychological literacy, these psychologists argue, it also discouraged. I personally, as a psychologist, for psychological literacy. But conscious, with an understanding of why you have this literacy to use. Like this? I propose to reflect on how you are using this literacy, through inspection issues:
1. Helps me or hinders me?
2. Inspiring or overwhelming, when I myself used to read? Gives a sense of perspective or deadlock?
3. Criticize yourself or help yourself, trying on a psychological theory?
Of course, such questions to ask yourself every time hard. But you can at least keep in mind, at least implicitly try to understand — what I do when doing something.Because, remember, psychology is designed to help, facilitate, give perspective, and not Vice versa. And if on the contrary, you use it for other purposes.
Author: Danila Gulyaev
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: danilling.livejournal.com/38615.html