Tonkats plantings ogurts in captivity
Cucumbers are a frequent guest on our sites. And every housewife wants her harvest of these crispy and bubby vegetables was excellent, to the envy of everyone. But how do you get a solid harvest? That is why we propose to grow pickles. An interesting way that has a number of advantages.
To get an excellent harvest of cucumbers, buying even the best seeds is not enough. It’s all about care, because these vegetables can be quite capricious. Therefore, it should be remembered that this culture is thermophilic, light-loving and moisture-loving.
By the way, if the cucumbers are not abundantly watered, then the entire crop will be bitter. And growing cucumbers directly on film will help solve the problem with watering once and for all. In addition, this method will eliminate regular weeding.
We note that it is pointless to plant cucumbers too early, because until it warms, they will not develop quickly. You need to choose a bed for cucumbers, where you will have to get rid of any vegetation - it is desirable to pull out with roots. Along the perimeter of the bed, you should dig a small groove about 10 cm deep and pour it with boiling water.
If the yard is dry weather, then you need to abundantly water the garden itself. Moreover, experienced gardeners advise to water first with warm water (if the soil is dry), and then pour boiling water abundantly so that the water impregnates the soil by at least 5 centimeters.
After irrigation, the soil should be covered with film and covered with earth at the edges. Such a structure will allow future plants to be constantly in a warm and humid environment, which will favorably affect the harvest.
After 1-2 days, you can start planting cucumbers. And varieties can be chosen very different, but it is advised not to take too small. In the film, you need to make small holes through which to send seeds into the soil. When the stem grows and develops, it will expand the hole to the desired size.
It is worth investing 2 seeds at once. If both come up, one will have to be removed. By the way, the optimal depth of each pit is about 2 centimeters. It is most convenient to put seeds with your finger so that the seeds are where they need to be.
It remains only to record where the variety of cucumbers is planted. After that, you should wait for sprouts. You will also need to correct each sprout so that it develops not under the film, but outward.
The beauty of the method is that cucumbers do not need watering, because through small holes in the film, moisture simply does not evaporate. Besides, you don't have to miss it. Cucumbers are clean, feel great and develop quickly. Even hot, dry weather will not be a problem.

To get an excellent harvest of cucumbers, buying even the best seeds is not enough. It’s all about care, because these vegetables can be quite capricious. Therefore, it should be remembered that this culture is thermophilic, light-loving and moisture-loving.

By the way, if the cucumbers are not abundantly watered, then the entire crop will be bitter. And growing cucumbers directly on film will help solve the problem with watering once and for all. In addition, this method will eliminate regular weeding.
We note that it is pointless to plant cucumbers too early, because until it warms, they will not develop quickly. You need to choose a bed for cucumbers, where you will have to get rid of any vegetation - it is desirable to pull out with roots. Along the perimeter of the bed, you should dig a small groove about 10 cm deep and pour it with boiling water.

If the yard is dry weather, then you need to abundantly water the garden itself. Moreover, experienced gardeners advise to water first with warm water (if the soil is dry), and then pour boiling water abundantly so that the water impregnates the soil by at least 5 centimeters.

After irrigation, the soil should be covered with film and covered with earth at the edges. Such a structure will allow future plants to be constantly in a warm and humid environment, which will favorably affect the harvest.
After 1-2 days, you can start planting cucumbers. And varieties can be chosen very different, but it is advised not to take too small. In the film, you need to make small holes through which to send seeds into the soil. When the stem grows and develops, it will expand the hole to the desired size.

It is worth investing 2 seeds at once. If both come up, one will have to be removed. By the way, the optimal depth of each pit is about 2 centimeters. It is most convenient to put seeds with your finger so that the seeds are where they need to be.

It remains only to record where the variety of cucumbers is planted. After that, you should wait for sprouts. You will also need to correct each sprout so that it develops not under the film, but outward.

The beauty of the method is that cucumbers do not need watering, because through small holes in the film, moisture simply does not evaporate. Besides, you don't have to miss it. Cucumbers are clean, feel great and develop quickly. Even hot, dry weather will not be a problem.