Ошибки при варке булгура
An interesting name is Bulgur. Like a gypsy name. It's a joke, of course. And seriously, the Bulgur has been known since biblical times. Do not confuse it with ordinary crushed wheat or couscous. We write these notes to tell you, bulgur Right.
Editorial "Site" I want you to remember what it is. Bulgur is called steamed or boiling-water-treated wheat, which is then dried and crushed. Bulgur is great for side dishes, soups, salads, and sometimes desserts. Okay.
We intend to cook Bulgur it is desirable to fry in a pan for 2-4 minutes with the addition of vegetable or butter, so it acquires a nutty flavor. For frying, a pot with a thick bottom and a multicooker are quite suitable, if there is an appropriate mode. Make a medium fire on the stove, and take a tablespoon for a glass of cereals.
Interesting note: bulgur before cooking is not necessary to wash. But if you really want to, then put it in a sieve and put it under running water. Then it is advisable to dry the cereal so that it is more crumbly.
It should be remembered that bulgur during cooking significantly increases in size, about 2-3 times, so the dishes should be appropriate. For a glass of cereals, you need to take two glasses of liquid. Bulgur is usually brewed in water, but you can try, for example, light broth.
Those who consume bulgur in food quite often, probably, have already noticed that before starting to cook it, in the same container it is good to prepare some vegetables. What does that mean? If you take, for example, onions or carrots, you can first stew them a little, and then add cereal. This will only make bulgur taste better.
What to cook bulgur
As you understand, Bulgur can serve as an excellent base from which, in principle, you can cook anything. Therefore, do not hesitate to use a variety of spices from rosemary to banyan, pepper, salt, smear with oil and gravy, add sauces. And be sure – this cereal deserves your love!
If you're on our side, but before that bulgur If you plan to first deal with the stocks of buckwheat, we can offer you an exclusive material that will help you do it efficiently and quickly. We wish you a pleasant appetite and wait in the comments. Thank you for staying with us!

Editorial "Site" I want you to remember what it is. Bulgur is called steamed or boiling-water-treated wheat, which is then dried and crushed. Bulgur is great for side dishes, soups, salads, and sometimes desserts. Okay.

We intend to cook Bulgur it is desirable to fry in a pan for 2-4 minutes with the addition of vegetable or butter, so it acquires a nutty flavor. For frying, a pot with a thick bottom and a multicooker are quite suitable, if there is an appropriate mode. Make a medium fire on the stove, and take a tablespoon for a glass of cereals.

Interesting note: bulgur before cooking is not necessary to wash. But if you really want to, then put it in a sieve and put it under running water. Then it is advisable to dry the cereal so that it is more crumbly.

It should be remembered that bulgur during cooking significantly increases in size, about 2-3 times, so the dishes should be appropriate. For a glass of cereals, you need to take two glasses of liquid. Bulgur is usually brewed in water, but you can try, for example, light broth.

Those who consume bulgur in food quite often, probably, have already noticed that before starting to cook it, in the same container it is good to prepare some vegetables. What does that mean? If you take, for example, onions or carrots, you can first stew them a little, and then add cereal. This will only make bulgur taste better.

What to cook bulgur
- In a pot or pan
It's nothing particularly new. Cook pure bulgur on water in a proportion of one to two. Pour the cereal with water, stir, let it boil and make the temperature of the plate to a minimum. Next classic - 20 minutes under the lid until all the water is absorbed. - In a multicooker
It's easy. Choose the "Plov" or "Rice" mode (maybe "Crupa"), pour bulgur into the bowl, add salt and water, close the lid and cook for half an hour. - In the microwave
As you can guess, roast in this case, the croup will not succeed. Just pour bulgur into a ceramic container (however, glass is also suitable), add water, mix and cover. Turn on the oven at full power for about 2-3 minutes, turn off and do not open the door for another 15 minutes. Bulgur ready.
As you understand, Bulgur can serve as an excellent base from which, in principle, you can cook anything. Therefore, do not hesitate to use a variety of spices from rosemary to banyan, pepper, salt, smear with oil and gravy, add sauces. And be sure – this cereal deserves your love!

If you're on our side, but before that bulgur If you plan to first deal with the stocks of buckwheat, we can offer you an exclusive material that will help you do it efficiently and quickly. We wish you a pleasant appetite and wait in the comments. Thank you for staying with us!