How to divide an apartment between two daughters so that no one is offended
Sooner or later, people of mature age have to face such problems as: division. Why the problem? There are times when you don’t know how to do the right thing. For example, the heroine of today’s story does not know what to do with her apartment, because she is alone and a woman has two daughters. Will Olga Stepanovna be able to do justice? Read on in the article.
I am 74 years old and I understand that at my age life is unpredictable. It's time to make a will so that my children don't have to deal with the division of property. There may be problems because I have one apartment. Two daughters. And I understand that perhaps we should divide the housing equally, according to conscience. But how do you do that if your daughter’s circumstances are different?
Anyuta and I live together. At the age of 20, she got married and had a child. But my husband left her when my granddaughter was only 6 months old. She had no choice but to return to her parents’ home.
My husband and I took her and did everything to make both my daughter and granddaughter happy. The baby grew up before our eyes. The first tooth, the first step on its own, the first word, we witnessed our granddaughter growing up.
© Freepik Now I understand that my Anya has suffered to the fullest. I took great care of her, even though she was a long time ago. I kept asking where she was going when she came, if she'd had breakfast on the list. But all this only angered my daughter, which is why we often quarreled. Anya couldn't even invite guests because my father and I were always at home. But where do we go?
And then my husband got sick and my worries got bigger. Anya helped around the house, took care of Dad, gave all herself to taking care of him. And I really appreciate it! So at first I thought it would be fair if I signed the entire apartment to my eldest daughter, Anya. But then I started thinking about my little girl.
She successfully married and jumped out of her parent’s nest when she was 22 years old. But the problems did not bypass her side. For many years she and her husband paid a loan for the apartment. In parallel, Tanya gave birth to twins and devoted all her time to children. We live in different cities, so I couldn't help her with the kids.
I know that it was hard for her, and so much so that the children had to be left with a neighbor while Tanya and her husband were at work. They worked like damned, so that there was enough money for ordinary life and for payments for an apartment.
At the same time, Tanya did not forget about us. When her husband became ill, she immediately came and gave him a full medical examination, negotiated with doctors, bought medicines. And when her husband died, Tanya took care of the funeral. I know she had her own problems, too. She sacrificed a lot to help me and Ana.
© Freepik It hurts because I couldn't give my grandchildren what I gave my granddaughter. Ani's daughter was under our supervision all the time, she was used to us solving all her problems. It seems to me that my hyperprotection has passed from the eldest daughter to the granddaughter, and now she can not step without us. At the same time, I see Tanya's children only a few times a year. I know they lack their grandmother’s warmth and care, but I can’t do anything about it.
On the one hand, I want to leave Ana's apartment. She has lived here for so many years and has no other home. The daughter is afraid to enter into a new relationship, and I don't know what will happen to her if she stays outside. On the other hand, I am very sorry for Tanya, who gave so many years to work and raise children and did everything herself.
I'm afraid if I book an apartment on both daughters, they won't be able to share it without conflict. In the end, someone will be left with nothing. What should I do and what should I do to make it fair?
Judging by the story of Olga Stepanovna, we can conclude that her daughters generally live peacefully. Perhaps the woman's fears are in vain? It seems to us that this issue can be solved simply by talking to Anya and Tanya. Most likely, the younger daughter will not claim part of the apartment and refuse it in favor of her sister. What do you think?
I wonder if you have ever faced such difficulties? Apartment issues and division of property have destroyed many families, and this is a real pressing problem. It will be helpful if you share your experience in the comments. Wait for you!

I am 74 years old and I understand that at my age life is unpredictable. It's time to make a will so that my children don't have to deal with the division of property. There may be problems because I have one apartment. Two daughters. And I understand that perhaps we should divide the housing equally, according to conscience. But how do you do that if your daughter’s circumstances are different?

Anyuta and I live together. At the age of 20, she got married and had a child. But my husband left her when my granddaughter was only 6 months old. She had no choice but to return to her parents’ home.
My husband and I took her and did everything to make both my daughter and granddaughter happy. The baby grew up before our eyes. The first tooth, the first step on its own, the first word, we witnessed our granddaughter growing up.

© Freepik Now I understand that my Anya has suffered to the fullest. I took great care of her, even though she was a long time ago. I kept asking where she was going when she came, if she'd had breakfast on the list. But all this only angered my daughter, which is why we often quarreled. Anya couldn't even invite guests because my father and I were always at home. But where do we go?
And then my husband got sick and my worries got bigger. Anya helped around the house, took care of Dad, gave all herself to taking care of him. And I really appreciate it! So at first I thought it would be fair if I signed the entire apartment to my eldest daughter, Anya. But then I started thinking about my little girl.
She successfully married and jumped out of her parent’s nest when she was 22 years old. But the problems did not bypass her side. For many years she and her husband paid a loan for the apartment. In parallel, Tanya gave birth to twins and devoted all her time to children. We live in different cities, so I couldn't help her with the kids.

I know that it was hard for her, and so much so that the children had to be left with a neighbor while Tanya and her husband were at work. They worked like damned, so that there was enough money for ordinary life and for payments for an apartment.
At the same time, Tanya did not forget about us. When her husband became ill, she immediately came and gave him a full medical examination, negotiated with doctors, bought medicines. And when her husband died, Tanya took care of the funeral. I know she had her own problems, too. She sacrificed a lot to help me and Ana.

© Freepik It hurts because I couldn't give my grandchildren what I gave my granddaughter. Ani's daughter was under our supervision all the time, she was used to us solving all her problems. It seems to me that my hyperprotection has passed from the eldest daughter to the granddaughter, and now she can not step without us. At the same time, I see Tanya's children only a few times a year. I know they lack their grandmother’s warmth and care, but I can’t do anything about it.
On the one hand, I want to leave Ana's apartment. She has lived here for so many years and has no other home. The daughter is afraid to enter into a new relationship, and I don't know what will happen to her if she stays outside. On the other hand, I am very sorry for Tanya, who gave so many years to work and raise children and did everything herself.

I'm afraid if I book an apartment on both daughters, they won't be able to share it without conflict. In the end, someone will be left with nothing. What should I do and what should I do to make it fair?
Judging by the story of Olga Stepanovna, we can conclude that her daughters generally live peacefully. Perhaps the woman's fears are in vain? It seems to us that this issue can be solved simply by talking to Anya and Tanya. Most likely, the younger daughter will not claim part of the apartment and refuse it in favor of her sister. What do you think?

I wonder if you have ever faced such difficulties? Apartment issues and division of property have destroyed many families, and this is a real pressing problem. It will be helpful if you share your experience in the comments. Wait for you!
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