How do Russian masters differ from American masters, or Goal for fiction is cunning
Goal for fiction is cunning. That's how we talk about ourselves. On the one hand, this is probably good, and on the other, how to see. It doesn’t really bother us as long as we have to do something. And here it begins, they say, it is dear to us, and we can not afford it either. And it's not just furniture in the room.
We're in the newsroom. "Site" Sometimes we like to look at life hacks and wonder. Something like, "Wow!" Was that possible? But not so long ago, a discussion of our masters with an American specialist caught the eye. We both liked his conclusion and did not like it. And that's why it happened.
Perhaps it makes no sense to convey technical details, since we ourselves do not fully understand the subject of discussion. But it looked something like this.
- Very well done. Perhaps we have not received such a result yet. Very good. Perhaps you are using such a new machine? It seems to allow that level of technology.
- No, we don't have such a machine, it's too expensive for us. We've found another solution that allows us to use this technology like this and like this.
- Wait, what about special reagents? They need to be used under certain conditions. What you're showing doesn't look workable. Something doesn't fit!
- You're absolutely right! Therefore, we had to create our own equipment that allows us to create the necessary conditions. Here is our temperature chamber (relatively speaking). It's still cheaper than if we bought one from you. However, it would still have to be remade...
- Unbelievable!
To say that an American has eyes on his forehead, that is not to say anything. He gave a lot of compliments and began to talk about how it happened. For example, if they have a master, he does not invent the tool he needs, but buys. That's how it works in America.
We often have exactly the opposite. The master initially bought only a rubbish or screwdriver, and collects the rest handsBecause it's cheaper. The same American counterparts cost a lot of money. And they don't always fit the task. This is not just about foreign technology. Our culibins are still being remade to suit their needs.
Even though the American was shocked, he apparently concluded that we are going to such experiments because of poverty. “You’re on equipment that costs a penny, you can do things that we have to pay a lot of money for!” That's why his answer made us happy and confused at the same time.
It's a tricky idea. Let him think so. And we're pretty sure we just have this one. reinventionIt constantly undermines us to do something. We are homely and our hands grow from the right place. Where an American without a shop and a tool will start to panic, our man will get fire from a thread and a stick. Isn't that something to be proud of?
We generally believe that especially gifted guys with a pronounced engineering thought, God gives a dacha. To have a place to turn. That's where they take their soul! And they have that, and that. What did you do? Yes, they say, with these hands! And the palms are showing. What other tool do you really need? Only a head and a wit.
Of course, we should not take our words too literally. This is an attempt to compare how and how our masters can differ from foreign ones. The fact that we have a complex about how we live is already clear to everyone. Write in the comments, what else can be different from our craftsmen overseas. That's an interesting opinion!
Goal for fiction is cunning! It's up to you to be proud or not. We are sure that anywhere in the world there is a gul, which is necessarily cunning. Read our next article about what life hacks are for giving, and tell me, isn’t it genius?

We're in the newsroom. "Site" Sometimes we like to look at life hacks and wonder. Something like, "Wow!" Was that possible? But not so long ago, a discussion of our masters with an American specialist caught the eye. We both liked his conclusion and did not like it. And that's why it happened.
Perhaps it makes no sense to convey technical details, since we ourselves do not fully understand the subject of discussion. But it looked something like this.

- Very well done. Perhaps we have not received such a result yet. Very good. Perhaps you are using such a new machine? It seems to allow that level of technology.
- No, we don't have such a machine, it's too expensive for us. We've found another solution that allows us to use this technology like this and like this.
- Wait, what about special reagents? They need to be used under certain conditions. What you're showing doesn't look workable. Something doesn't fit!
- You're absolutely right! Therefore, we had to create our own equipment that allows us to create the necessary conditions. Here is our temperature chamber (relatively speaking). It's still cheaper than if we bought one from you. However, it would still have to be remade...
- Unbelievable!

To say that an American has eyes on his forehead, that is not to say anything. He gave a lot of compliments and began to talk about how it happened. For example, if they have a master, he does not invent the tool he needs, but buys. That's how it works in America.
We often have exactly the opposite. The master initially bought only a rubbish or screwdriver, and collects the rest handsBecause it's cheaper. The same American counterparts cost a lot of money. And they don't always fit the task. This is not just about foreign technology. Our culibins are still being remade to suit their needs.

Even though the American was shocked, he apparently concluded that we are going to such experiments because of poverty. “You’re on equipment that costs a penny, you can do things that we have to pay a lot of money for!” That's why his answer made us happy and confused at the same time.
It's a tricky idea. Let him think so. And we're pretty sure we just have this one. reinventionIt constantly undermines us to do something. We are homely and our hands grow from the right place. Where an American without a shop and a tool will start to panic, our man will get fire from a thread and a stick. Isn't that something to be proud of?

We generally believe that especially gifted guys with a pronounced engineering thought, God gives a dacha. To have a place to turn. That's where they take their soul! And they have that, and that. What did you do? Yes, they say, with these hands! And the palms are showing. What other tool do you really need? Only a head and a wit.
Of course, we should not take our words too literally. This is an attempt to compare how and how our masters can differ from foreign ones. The fact that we have a complex about how we live is already clear to everyone. Write in the comments, what else can be different from our craftsmen overseas. That's an interesting opinion!

Goal for fiction is cunning! It's up to you to be proud or not. We are sure that anywhere in the world there is a gul, which is necessarily cunning. Read our next article about what life hacks are for giving, and tell me, isn’t it genius?
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