What will help to attract money in the house and no longer need
Many of us dream of wealth in one way or another. Money is not about happiness, but it is much easier to make your dreams come true. But how do you get money into the house? What does it take? Perhaps a secret ritual or a magical blue bird in the thirtieth kingdom? Maybe, but we have simpler ways.
Editorial "Site" Today I will try to figure out what it takes to bring money into the house. Just a few rules. And at the end, a little instruction on creating a powerful money mascot.
Money comes to those who love it and want to earn it. And love for money is not throwing them to the right and left, but the ability to competently dispose of them. It is useless to dream of wealth, dreary looking at luxurious foreign cars from the tram window. Money loves the determined.
First, think about what talents you could use as an extra income. Look for yourself, reveal yourself from different sides, strive to get rich. Usually, jealousy and sad sighs about someone else’s wealth do not help to make money. Only positive energy and the right attitude contribute to success.
While you come up with a strategy and look for a way to earn extra money, arrange the right conditions for money. The right energy should reign in the house, then the money will flow into your hands. Now let's figure out what it takes.
Fill the house with symbols of wealth Running water is one of the main symbols of wealth. It symbolizes cash flow. It is believed that images of the sea, ocean or waterfall can increase profits. If you have long thought about hanging a new painting in the living room, look for something with a beautiful waterfall.
The main thing is that the picture does not depict standing water, like a lake or puddle. It is better if it is a bubbling mountain river or sea waves. Look at it and imagine that in this stream wealth is going to you.
Throw away broken junk And what is worth getting rid of is broken and damaged things. This is especially true of mirrors. Mirrors bring into the house what they reflect. Therefore, it is important that they display things correctly, not through cracks.
It is also worth getting rid of cracked dishes, broken figurines, spoiled furniture. Any defects in household utensils interfere with the proper circulation of energy.
Bright lighting to attract money to the house Money likes bright lighting. During the day, let the sun’s rays enter the house. Also make sure that all rooms have only bright light bulbs. It will also not be superfluous red plafonds, a good symbol.
Feng Shui specialists are sure that this attribute of the home interior will help attract wealth into the house. They planted their aquarium with yellow or red fish. And do not forget to make sure that the water of the fish is always clean.
Cleanliness will help attract money to the house Money generally likes cleanliness. Don’t forget to clean up regularly. Get rid of the rubbish so there is room for new things in life. Make sure to take the time and wash the windows. Clean windows are a magnet for well-being.
Get a money tree Fat girl - a plant that attracts money-magic into the house. According to feng shui, if you just settle a money tree in the house, as your financial condition will change for the better. The plant must be well maintained and stand in the right place. Don't forget it!
In the beginning, we promised to talk about a special ritual that is necessary to attract money. It's related to the money tree. To keep money in the house, conduct a special ritual. Before planting a plant in a pot, place 6 coins at the bottom, imagining yourself a successful, healthy, rich person. When watering your green friend, remember this picture regularly as clearly as possible. This trick will program you for success!
If you already have an adult money tree in your house, you can simply bury a coin in a pot. This mascot will still work for you. It will be appropriate to tie a few red ribbons with coins on the branches. Looking at them, you will always think that money goes into your hands.
Thanks to such simple rules, the flow of money will soon improve. Most importantly, believe in it and try to do your best. May all your dreams come true!

Editorial "Site" Today I will try to figure out what it takes to bring money into the house. Just a few rules. And at the end, a little instruction on creating a powerful money mascot.
Money comes to those who love it and want to earn it. And love for money is not throwing them to the right and left, but the ability to competently dispose of them. It is useless to dream of wealth, dreary looking at luxurious foreign cars from the tram window. Money loves the determined.
First, think about what talents you could use as an extra income. Look for yourself, reveal yourself from different sides, strive to get rich. Usually, jealousy and sad sighs about someone else’s wealth do not help to make money. Only positive energy and the right attitude contribute to success.
While you come up with a strategy and look for a way to earn extra money, arrange the right conditions for money. The right energy should reign in the house, then the money will flow into your hands. Now let's figure out what it takes.
Fill the house with symbols of wealth Running water is one of the main symbols of wealth. It symbolizes cash flow. It is believed that images of the sea, ocean or waterfall can increase profits. If you have long thought about hanging a new painting in the living room, look for something with a beautiful waterfall.
The main thing is that the picture does not depict standing water, like a lake or puddle. It is better if it is a bubbling mountain river or sea waves. Look at it and imagine that in this stream wealth is going to you.

Throw away broken junk And what is worth getting rid of is broken and damaged things. This is especially true of mirrors. Mirrors bring into the house what they reflect. Therefore, it is important that they display things correctly, not through cracks.
It is also worth getting rid of cracked dishes, broken figurines, spoiled furniture. Any defects in household utensils interfere with the proper circulation of energy.

Bright lighting to attract money to the house Money likes bright lighting. During the day, let the sun’s rays enter the house. Also make sure that all rooms have only bright light bulbs. It will also not be superfluous red plafonds, a good symbol.

Feng Shui specialists are sure that this attribute of the home interior will help attract wealth into the house. They planted their aquarium with yellow or red fish. And do not forget to make sure that the water of the fish is always clean.

Cleanliness will help attract money to the house Money generally likes cleanliness. Don’t forget to clean up regularly. Get rid of the rubbish so there is room for new things in life. Make sure to take the time and wash the windows. Clean windows are a magnet for well-being.

Get a money tree Fat girl - a plant that attracts money-magic into the house. According to feng shui, if you just settle a money tree in the house, as your financial condition will change for the better. The plant must be well maintained and stand in the right place. Don't forget it!

In the beginning, we promised to talk about a special ritual that is necessary to attract money. It's related to the money tree. To keep money in the house, conduct a special ritual. Before planting a plant in a pot, place 6 coins at the bottom, imagining yourself a successful, healthy, rich person. When watering your green friend, remember this picture regularly as clearly as possible. This trick will program you for success!

If you already have an adult money tree in your house, you can simply bury a coin in a pot. This mascot will still work for you. It will be appropriate to tie a few red ribbons with coins on the branches. Looking at them, you will always think that money goes into your hands.
Thanks to such simple rules, the flow of money will soon improve. Most importantly, believe in it and try to do your best. May all your dreams come true!
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