10 magical secrets of Feng Shui to attract wealth. It turns out that simple!
Many people, especially in times of crisis, are concerned about attracting wealth. You probably noticed that someone's way to wealth is very long and bumpy, but someone money just fall from the sky. What is their secret? It's all about teaching, about which many heard - Feng Shui. Not necessarily follow all the rules, the main thing - the right attitude towards money.
1. Always keep clean the kitchen and the hallway. Wealth does not come in a dirty house.
2. Purse should be red.
3. You can not spend the money on the first day, when you get paid. Put them in a place where you always keep money. Start spending from next day a little.
4. Do not put anything extra in the wallet. This is a place for the money and bank cards. Do not store photos, coupons and notes in your wallet.
5. Denominations are stored in different departments of the purse at par.
6. recalculates money only with clean hands, preferably in the morning.
7. Borrow from the rich man's large bills and keep her home. Give when your income will increase.
8. Enhance the ability to earn. Try to find another way of earning, besides work.
9. distribute the money as follows: 50% of the victims for a good cause, 20% delayed for unforeseen expenses, 10% of his relatives that need, 15% Spend on.
10. Get plenty of give and not expect anything in return.
Perhaps someone will say that all this is not true. But first it is necessary to try, and then draw conclusions. Also, the teaching of feng shui - it is not the only scientist who can be guided to attract money. This is only a supplement to your diligence towards the goal.
Share these 10 secrets to attract wealth with the help of feng shui with your friends.
via takprosto cc

1. Always keep clean the kitchen and the hallway. Wealth does not come in a dirty house.
2. Purse should be red.
3. You can not spend the money on the first day, when you get paid. Put them in a place where you always keep money. Start spending from next day a little.
4. Do not put anything extra in the wallet. This is a place for the money and bank cards. Do not store photos, coupons and notes in your wallet.
5. Denominations are stored in different departments of the purse at par.
6. recalculates money only with clean hands, preferably in the morning.
7. Borrow from the rich man's large bills and keep her home. Give when your income will increase.
8. Enhance the ability to earn. Try to find another way of earning, besides work.
9. distribute the money as follows: 50% of the victims for a good cause, 20% delayed for unforeseen expenses, 10% of his relatives that need, 15% Spend on.
10. Get plenty of give and not expect anything in return.
Perhaps someone will say that all this is not true. But first it is necessary to try, and then draw conclusions. Also, the teaching of feng shui - it is not the only scientist who can be guided to attract money. This is only a supplement to your diligence towards the goal.
Share these 10 secrets to attract wealth with the help of feng shui with your friends.
via takprosto cc
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