Leaf fertilizing cucumbers according to all rules

Extrarooted, or leafy It can be used for all kinds of plants. It is not much different from the traditional one, except that in some cases a spray gun will be useful to get the desired liquid on the entire surface of the sheet.

The leaf method is used not only for feeding, but also as a means of protecting plants from pathogenic bacteria, fungi and harmful insects. It is worth saying that some types of plants, for example, rootless, can exist only under the condition of watering. However, our article is not about them, but about such native and delicious cucumbers.

So, when is the best time to conduct extraroot feeding of cucumbers?

  1. 2 weeks after sprouting;
  2. When they bloom;
  3. When harvesting cucumbers to prolong and increase their fruiting.

Feeding on the leaf is indispensable with additional nutrition, especially when cucumbers suffer from a lack of mineral fertilizers. We mean elements such as potassium, magnesium, boron, calcium or manganese. They are usually best applied by spraying for quick saturation of plants.

What to feed Urea
Urea or urea is called a nitrogen-based fertilizer. This fertilizer is used. first extraroot processing of cucumbers for good and rapid growth of shoots and leaves. And prepare urea, you need 7 grams of urea dissolved in 5 liters of water.

boric acid
It's applied to flowering cucumbers ovulation. flavoring fruiting resistance. The solution is prepared as follows: in a liter of warm water, solve 1 gram of boric acid and several crystals of permanganate.

The composition of this fertilizer includes phosphorus, sulfur and calcium. Used for normal. roots and flowers. Since this fertilizer is not soluble in water, first prepare the concentrate. Pour 2 tbsp of superphosphate with a glass of very hot water and leave for 24 hours to infuse. Before using it, take 70 ml of the mixture and dilute in 5 liters of water.

Calcium nitrate
This fertilizer works well with sudden changes in the weather and stamina plants under stress. It also makes them delicious and better preserved. To prepare it, solve 10 g of calcium nitrate in 5 liters of water.

Folk ways of leaf feeding Infusion from various herbs. It has many nutrients, it is used to prevent floury dew.

A decoction of wood ash. This is the best universal fertilizer. In the composition of the ash there are macro and microelements that saturate plants with useful substances.

Onion husk decoction or infusion. The husk is rich in biologically active, organic and mineral substances. This tool tones the immune system of the plant and increases its resistance to diseases.

The infusion is made of fine hay. This infusion continues the fruiting season of cucumbers and protects plants from fungal diseases.

In greenhouseBy the way, this method is quite possible to use.

Security is there. rulesWhat you need to know when working with fertilizers:

  1. When preparing a solution with fertilizer, do absolutely all manipulations, checking the instructions.
  2. Use only freshly prepared fertilizer solution.
  3. Do it on a cloudy day or late at night.
  4. During the fruiting period, give preference to natural fertilizer.
  5. When working with chemical fertilizers, observe personal hygiene and use protective equipment.
  6. The container after use must be well washed with strong detergents.

As you can see, to collect a generous harvest of cucumbers, you need to invest a lot of work and effort. But that's what it was all about!

Our editorial office "Site" advises not to strive to grow as much crispy cucumber as possible, using solid chemistry. After all, it is better when children enjoy the taste and aroma of the fruit, and you absolutely do not worry about its safety and naturalness. Try to do everything wisely and environmentally friendly, and in everything else we will help you, good luck!


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