What advice Zemfira should listen to
The singer Zemfira is the inspiration and idol of many. Her songs for someone are associated with first love, for someone with a bitter breakup. Everyone finds something in them. Zemfira is an amazing person, a talented singer and just a wise woman.
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MAXIDROM (2011) #zemfira #maidrom #zemfiralive #zemphyra #maxidrom #z
A post shared by Zemfir (@zemfiralive) on May 25, 2020 at 8:07am PDT
Editorial "Site" I have collected for you 5 best tips from Zemfira Ramazanova. It is a great inspiration, especially the last one.
Singer Zemfira Decide that for you freedom We were born to be free and happy. You just need to clearly define these concepts. Zemfira said, “Freedom is when you set your own limits.” It should be noted, very precisely said.
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Take me to the bridge closer, closer here I breathe #zemfira #zemfiralive #blues #zemfira photo by @isakov
A post shared by Zemfir (@zemfiralive) on Feb 18, 2020 at 9:25pm PST
I like the phrase of the singer: “I generally have a very narrow circle of friends, sometimes it narrows to fish.” You don’t have to be sociable and active when you don’t want to. If you are an introvert who prefers to communicate with only a few people, that is your business. And we totally agree with her.
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4 years ago in Ufa #23 February #zemfira #zemfiralive #z_tour2016 #littleman #ufa #23february #zemfira #zemfira2016 #little man #ufa
A post shared by Zemfir (@zemfiralive) on Feb 23, 2020 at 2:56am PST
Clearly formulate the requests "I'm not asking for help, I'm asking not to interfere," says Zemfira. Sometimes, the best help is just not getting in the way. It is important to formulate your requests correctly, even if they seem too straightforward.
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The album “Living in Your Head” was released on February 14. He's 7 years old today! Happy holiday! #Zemfira #live your head #no chance #money #coffeino #seagull #to #buried #river #swimmer #mountain #outro #album #February 14 #zemfira #zemfiralive #toliveinyourhead #liveinyourhead #14february #album #7years #music
A post shared by Zemfir (@zemfiralive) on Feb 14, 2020 at 2:16am PST
Singer Zemfira: “Keep the element of freedom” Zemfira has a beautiful expression that we cannot give literally. I'm sure you'll write the right word. “There must always be a share in a person... Oh, I remember! There must be an element of freedom in man.” No matter how old you are, you have to keep that freedom. And be yourself.
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#renatalitvinova #istoday12January #dayday #renata #zemfira #renatalitvinova #zemfiralive
A post shared by Zemfir (@zemfiralive) on Jan 12, 2020 at 2:07am PST
Mistakes are what make us who we are. If we are wrong, we are doing something. Zemfira says, “I’m happy with my mistakes, I can’t make mistakes without them either.” The main thing is to accept them and gain experience.
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Vladivostok (10.02.2016) #zemfira #zemfira2016 #little man #Vladivostok #zemfira #zemfiralive #z_tour2016 #littleman #vladivostok
A post shared by Zemfir (@zemfiralive) on Feb 11, 2020 at 2:55am PST
Such life and ironic advice gives us the singer Zemfira. We think that each of them deserves attention. Read them and go to listen to "Forgive me, my love" for the hundredth time. Which advice do you like best?
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MAXIDROM (2011) #zemfira #maidrom #zemfiralive #zemphyra #maxidrom #z
A post shared by Zemfir (@zemfiralive) on May 25, 2020 at 8:07am PDT
Editorial "Site" I have collected for you 5 best tips from Zemfira Ramazanova. It is a great inspiration, especially the last one.
Singer Zemfira Decide that for you freedom We were born to be free and happy. You just need to clearly define these concepts. Zemfira said, “Freedom is when you set your own limits.” It should be noted, very precisely said.
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Take me to the bridge closer, closer here I breathe #zemfira #zemfiralive #blues #zemfira photo by @isakov
A post shared by Zemfir (@zemfiralive) on Feb 18, 2020 at 9:25pm PST
I like the phrase of the singer: “I generally have a very narrow circle of friends, sometimes it narrows to fish.” You don’t have to be sociable and active when you don’t want to. If you are an introvert who prefers to communicate with only a few people, that is your business. And we totally agree with her.
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4 years ago in Ufa #23 February #zemfira #zemfiralive #z_tour2016 #littleman #ufa #23february #zemfira #zemfira2016 #little man #ufa
A post shared by Zemfir (@zemfiralive) on Feb 23, 2020 at 2:56am PST
Clearly formulate the requests "I'm not asking for help, I'm asking not to interfere," says Zemfira. Sometimes, the best help is just not getting in the way. It is important to formulate your requests correctly, even if they seem too straightforward.
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The album “Living in Your Head” was released on February 14. He's 7 years old today! Happy holiday! #Zemfira #live your head #no chance #money #coffeino #seagull #to #buried #river #swimmer #mountain #outro #album #February 14 #zemfira #zemfiralive #toliveinyourhead #liveinyourhead #14february #album #7years #music
A post shared by Zemfir (@zemfiralive) on Feb 14, 2020 at 2:16am PST
Singer Zemfira: “Keep the element of freedom” Zemfira has a beautiful expression that we cannot give literally. I'm sure you'll write the right word. “There must always be a share in a person... Oh, I remember! There must be an element of freedom in man.” No matter how old you are, you have to keep that freedom. And be yourself.
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#renatalitvinova #istoday12January #dayday #renata #zemfira #renatalitvinova #zemfiralive
A post shared by Zemfir (@zemfiralive) on Jan 12, 2020 at 2:07am PST
Mistakes are what make us who we are. If we are wrong, we are doing something. Zemfira says, “I’m happy with my mistakes, I can’t make mistakes without them either.” The main thing is to accept them and gain experience.
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Vladivostok (10.02.2016) #zemfira #zemfira2016 #little man #Vladivostok #zemfira #zemfiralive #z_tour2016 #littleman #vladivostok
A post shared by Zemfir (@zemfiralive) on Feb 11, 2020 at 2:55am PST
Such life and ironic advice gives us the singer Zemfira. We think that each of them deserves attention. Read them and go to listen to "Forgive me, my love" for the hundredth time. Which advice do you like best?
Why rub raw potatoes on a grater, but not for food?
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