Proper care of raspberry bushes in August

In order to annually be able to harvest huge reserves of raspberry jam, it is necessary to properly care for raspberries.

For gardeners, this is certainly not news. But even the most experienced of them sometimes forget about the key points concerning the care of raspberry bushes.

So today's editorial office. "Site" I decided to remind you of the most important rules for the care of ordinary homemade raspberries.

And at the end of the article, we left a video that tells in detail how to take care of the repairable raspberries.

How to care for raspberry August is already on the threshold, which means that the harvest of raspberries has long been harvested and it would be time to take care of the next one.

In order for young shoots to have enough strength and nutrients to form a new crop, it is necessary to get rid of last year’s plantations.

The fact is that excessive thickening of raspberry bushes prevents the supply of sufficient light and air to young stems. And this, in turn, leads to various diseases of shrubs and the appearance of pests on them.


To distinguish the young stem from the old is quite simple. With this task, even a beginner gardener can easily cope.

The main difference between the old stem and the young stem is the color. The young vine has a light green tint. The bark of the old shoots is painted in a rich brown color.

It is important to immediately get rid of old raspberry bushes, without waiting for autumn. After all, if you leave them on the site, it will again attract pests to the young growth.

In addition, the planting site of raspberries should be changed from time to time, since the ground under the cremson is severely depleted. It is best to do this once every 3-4 years.

Cut the shoots as close to the ground as possible, without leaving hemps. And this rule applies not only to old shoots, but also to young growths.

In order for young raspberry sprouts to develop well and bring a rich harvest next year, it is necessary to eliminate their excessive growth. Leave only 6-8 shoots (reaching a thickness of at least 1 cm) per 1 square meter.


For better branching of the crown, maturation and stiffening of shoots, it is also worth pinching their tops.

Cut the upper part of the young stems should be at a height of 5 to 10 centimeters.

In addition to pruning raspberry bushes after fruiting, an important point in caring for them is also abundant watering and timely feeding.

And here is the promised video with instructions for caring for the repairable raspberries. v=O5OrYmYkXyo

We say goodbye, wish you a good harvest and a good mood. See you soon!


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