How to grow a violet from a leaf from an adept of a home flower business
Reproduction of violet leaf is the easiest way to fill the windowsill with these velvety beauties.
However, as in every case, it was not without its subtleties.
Today we will tell you how to root the cuttings of violets so that young plants fully thank you for your work with friendly and lush “cap” flowering!
Reproduction of violet sheet The choice of sheet depends on the quality of planting material. Therefore, try to choose young and strong leaves from the middle row for planting. They will take root and give more children.
With high humidity, violet leaves are perfectly preserved for 2-3 days. So you can bring a leaf from your favorite bush even from friends from another city. Or order by mail.
It is better to make it with a sharp knife or blade. The leg is cut at an angle of 45 degrees.
Its length should not be too large (ideally - 2-4 cm). This will make it difficult to take root. The cut site on an adult violet should be sprinkled with crushed activated charcoal or wood ash.
Place a leaf of violet in a small glass of water. In this case, the liquid should touch only the cuttings.
To achieve this, you can cover the glass with a film (or foil) and insert the leaf leg into the prepared hole.
The formation of roots usually takes 2-3 weeks. When their length reaches 2 cm, the leaves can be planted in cups with a nutrient mixture.
As we have already written, Saint-Police love moist air, but do not tolerate stagnation of water. Therefore, it is necessary to organize drainage in the cup.
You can put pieces of foam on the bottom of the glass. And you can put one glass with holes at the bottom in another slightly larger. The resulting air layer will protect the roots from decay.
Put the leaf in the soil vertically. The land should not be sealed. Immediately after planting the fields, the plant is warm (26-28 degrees) with water.
After 1-2 months, with proper care around the leaves planted in the ground, small violets will appear.
Separate children for transplantation is only when they acquire a rich green color, each socket will be 3-4 leaves, and their growth will reach 3-5 centimeters.
After a few months, the young senpolii will be ready to please you with flowers. Decorate your home with these beautiful indoor plants and you will get a huge charge of positive emotions!

However, as in every case, it was not without its subtleties.

Today we will tell you how to root the cuttings of violets so that young plants fully thank you for your work with friendly and lush “cap” flowering!
Reproduction of violet sheet The choice of sheet depends on the quality of planting material. Therefore, try to choose young and strong leaves from the middle row for planting. They will take root and give more children.

With high humidity, violet leaves are perfectly preserved for 2-3 days. So you can bring a leaf from your favorite bush even from friends from another city. Or order by mail.
It is better to make it with a sharp knife or blade. The leg is cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

Its length should not be too large (ideally - 2-4 cm). This will make it difficult to take root. The cut site on an adult violet should be sprinkled with crushed activated charcoal or wood ash.
Place a leaf of violet in a small glass of water. In this case, the liquid should touch only the cuttings.

To achieve this, you can cover the glass with a film (or foil) and insert the leaf leg into the prepared hole.
The formation of roots usually takes 2-3 weeks. When their length reaches 2 cm, the leaves can be planted in cups with a nutrient mixture.

As we have already written, Saint-Police love moist air, but do not tolerate stagnation of water. Therefore, it is necessary to organize drainage in the cup.
You can put pieces of foam on the bottom of the glass. And you can put one glass with holes at the bottom in another slightly larger. The resulting air layer will protect the roots from decay.

Put the leaf in the soil vertically. The land should not be sealed. Immediately after planting the fields, the plant is warm (26-28 degrees) with water.
After 1-2 months, with proper care around the leaves planted in the ground, small violets will appear.

Separate children for transplantation is only when they acquire a rich green color, each socket will be 3-4 leaves, and their growth will reach 3-5 centimeters.

After a few months, the young senpolii will be ready to please you with flowers. Decorate your home with these beautiful indoor plants and you will get a huge charge of positive emotions!
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