Until I took all the violets out of the house, nothing good happened in my life.

Beautiful violets They always decorated the window sills of Grandma’s house. Recently I remembered this, and I wanted to get such a flower in memory of her. I started to find out everything about him and came across unpleasant information. At the energy level, violets have a very detrimental effect. In order not to cause trouble, it is important to understand this. In this article I will tell you what I managed to find out, and in the end I will tell you where in the house you can keep this plant.

With violets, as they often say today, everything is not so clear. Someone sees in this room flower only bad and believes in the most unpleasant superstitions associated with it. And someone likes a completely different version. Which one to believe, you can decide for yourself after reading this article.

Let’s start with the unpleasant to finish the article on a happy note. There is an opinion that the violet is the flower of the dead. Therefore, it is not necessary to accept such a plant as a gift, since you can incur trouble associated with health.

According to a long-held belief, violets scare men away. Therefore, if you are not married, do not put this flower in your home, otherwise you will condemn yourself to loneliness. But if you already have a violet and it withers, it means that the plant has absorbed all the negative energy from the apartment. He may even have taken away his master’s disease.

In place of the departed flower, you must definitely plant a new one. In the East, they say that the violet attracts wealth to the house and guarantees the family peace, tranquility and harmony. In the house where this flower grows, people never quarrel and are sensitive to each other. This apartment is always warm and cozy.

Is it worth growing violets in the house now think who to believe and how to be? And beautiful violets! Your eyes are happy when you look at them. So many colors and shapes – an incredible variety! By the way, depending on the color of the flowers, the signs associated with them also change.

So, for example, reddish violets foreshadow the appearance in the life of the hostess of the house of a new passionate lover. There is also a belief that red inflorescences serve as bait for cash flow.

Violet with blue inflorescences is ideal for creative natures. People believe that this flower serves as a source of inspiration and nourishes a person with the appropriate energy. Such flowers can be safely planted in various art or dance schools for children.

If you need a reboot and spiritual growth, get a purple violet at home. Thanks to this plant, you will be able to achieve harmony in life, strengthen your best qualities, and also develop intuition.

Pink flowers are responsible for the health of their host. It is believed that such violets can reduce appetite and prevent the appearance of various diseases. In addition, a plant with pinkish inflorescences supports a person emotionally and helps to cope with problems. If you have a lot of them in your life, feel free to have such a violet at home.

For all these miracles to work, you need to treat your flower in a special way. Just watering it isn't enough. Violet loves communication and care. Although it is an unpretentious flower, you need to take care of it. How to do it, said my colleague Nikolai Laduba. I recommend reading a useful article on the link.

Sometimes the violet grows in the house, but does not bloom. It also depends on how you take care of the plant. The problem may be that it just needs to be transplanted. If you are faced with this unpleasant problem, read our material and learn how to return a lush flower to the violet.

And if you are ready to do everything possible to make the flower feel as good as possible, learn about the possible mistakes of growing it. By the way, in the same article you will find an interesting historical summary about violets.

Finally, I want to say a very important thing. If you still think of planting a violet at home, they should grow in the kitchen or living room. You can not keep the plant in the bedroom or nursery, because at night it emits a large amount of carbon dioxide. This can affect your health during the day.

How do you feel about this flower? Are there violets in your house?


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