A late daughter complains about her fate, because she had to become her mother’s assistant too soon.
It is very difficult to maintain normal contact with relatives if you feel consumerism To myself. In other words, everyone wants something from you, but not you. Sometimes it takes years for people to realize this.
This happened to the main character of today’s story. She spent most of her life helping family and friends. But when she decided to live for herself, her parents did not like it. What caused the conflict and whether it was resolved in the end, read our article.
My family has never lived richly. I remember my parents taking any part-time job to make ends meet. There were four of us: Dad, Mom, me and my older brother. Andrew was 13 when I was born. And my mom's 36. I emphasize this because being a late child is not easy. By the age of 50, my mother began to pass: years of hard work affected.
Even though I was 14 years old, I did all the housework. My brother had already married and started living separately. But it didn't make it any easier. I knew I was the family's only hope. Along with my homework, I studied hard. After 9th grade, she entered the College for free training. And then I went to university, and I went for free.
All this time I dreamed that I would find a job and be able to help my mother even more. One scholarship was missing. And other problems fell on his head. It turned out that my father has been cheating on my mother for more than 5 years. Moreover, he has children on the side and gave most of his salary to another woman. That explains why we were always short of money.
After graduation, I was offered a job. I worked there until I was 30. And then I met him. Mishka came to work for our company and almost immediately drew attention to me. We had an affair. Honestly, the first serious thing in my life.
I fell in love and was in seventh heaven when Misha proposed. But he didn't have his own apartment. He lived alone with his old mother. We decided to stay with mine for the first time. We had a 3-room apartment (parents gave it during their hard work), my brother did not live there, my father did not. So there was enough room. And my mom didn't mind.
But a month later, a nightmare began. My mother began to command us to do repairs, to buy new furniture. At first I thought it was a good idea. After all, our apartment has not been repaired for a long time. But it didn't end there.
To please all my mother’s whims, we even took out a loan. And then when our place changed, my mother ordered my husband to clean up. The apartment is not his, he has nothing to live here.
I was just in shock. It made me so angry that I thought I'd sell my legal part of the apartment and never come back. But my mother turned on the fool, appealed to my conscience.
A couple of days later, my mother started walking me out! She also told me not to dare have children. She has grandchildren (my older brother tried) and no more.
Honestly, at some point I started to think my mom was going crazy. I've been helping her for so many years, but no one seems to appreciate my efforts. Why haven’t I noticed this kind of consumer behavior before?
I'm 31 years old and I've just been able to open my eyes to this. I don't want to live like this anymore! But how can my mother cope without my help? Every year she gets worse and her brother is not involved in her life. It turns out, except for me, she has no one. I'm confused and I don't know what to do next.
People who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others deserve special respect. But it seems to us that Everything has to have reasonable boundaries.. The heroine of the story by her example shows what a blind desire to make life easier for a native person can lead to.
To accept such an ungrateful attitude of the mother, a woman will have to come to terms with the idea that all her efforts were in vain. Perhaps this will be a real test for her. What do you think?
If you want to give advice to the heroine of history, boldly share your thoughts in the comments. Wait for you downstairs!

This happened to the main character of today’s story. She spent most of her life helping family and friends. But when she decided to live for herself, her parents did not like it. What caused the conflict and whether it was resolved in the end, read our article.
My family has never lived richly. I remember my parents taking any part-time job to make ends meet. There were four of us: Dad, Mom, me and my older brother. Andrew was 13 when I was born. And my mom's 36. I emphasize this because being a late child is not easy. By the age of 50, my mother began to pass: years of hard work affected.

Even though I was 14 years old, I did all the housework. My brother had already married and started living separately. But it didn't make it any easier. I knew I was the family's only hope. Along with my homework, I studied hard. After 9th grade, she entered the College for free training. And then I went to university, and I went for free.
All this time I dreamed that I would find a job and be able to help my mother even more. One scholarship was missing. And other problems fell on his head. It turned out that my father has been cheating on my mother for more than 5 years. Moreover, he has children on the side and gave most of his salary to another woman. That explains why we were always short of money.

After graduation, I was offered a job. I worked there until I was 30. And then I met him. Mishka came to work for our company and almost immediately drew attention to me. We had an affair. Honestly, the first serious thing in my life.
I fell in love and was in seventh heaven when Misha proposed. But he didn't have his own apartment. He lived alone with his old mother. We decided to stay with mine for the first time. We had a 3-room apartment (parents gave it during their hard work), my brother did not live there, my father did not. So there was enough room. And my mom didn't mind.
But a month later, a nightmare began. My mother began to command us to do repairs, to buy new furniture. At first I thought it was a good idea. After all, our apartment has not been repaired for a long time. But it didn't end there.

To please all my mother’s whims, we even took out a loan. And then when our place changed, my mother ordered my husband to clean up. The apartment is not his, he has nothing to live here.
I was just in shock. It made me so angry that I thought I'd sell my legal part of the apartment and never come back. But my mother turned on the fool, appealed to my conscience.

A couple of days later, my mother started walking me out! She also told me not to dare have children. She has grandchildren (my older brother tried) and no more.
Honestly, at some point I started to think my mom was going crazy. I've been helping her for so many years, but no one seems to appreciate my efforts. Why haven’t I noticed this kind of consumer behavior before?

I'm 31 years old and I've just been able to open my eyes to this. I don't want to live like this anymore! But how can my mother cope without my help? Every year she gets worse and her brother is not involved in her life. It turns out, except for me, she has no one. I'm confused and I don't know what to do next.
People who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others deserve special respect. But it seems to us that Everything has to have reasonable boundaries.. The heroine of the story by her example shows what a blind desire to make life easier for a native person can lead to.

To accept such an ungrateful attitude of the mother, a woman will have to come to terms with the idea that all her efforts were in vain. Perhaps this will be a real test for her. What do you think?
If you want to give advice to the heroine of history, boldly share your thoughts in the comments. Wait for you downstairs!
Showing how unsanitary my mother-in-law's house is, asking for friendly advice
A caring grandson bought his grandmother a phone that can clear snowdrifts