Shameful mistakes in words that even a fifth grader will point out
We all make mistakes in words sometimes. Despite the fact that in school they studied well, and someone did well, in adulthood we forget about what we learned in Russian lessons. In the modern world, there is more text communication, but not all correspond with each other, observing the rules of spelling and punctuation. In addition, auto-correcting in search engines and messengers does us a disservice. As a result, we relax and start doing things. errors in simple Russian words.
Mistakes in Russian words Editorial "Site" This is a list of 7 words we often make mistakes in. It will not be superfluous to refresh for yourself these important rules of the Russian language. We found useful information on the Mel website, where you can find a lot of useful information about literacy and spelling.
As you can see, with the letters “a” and “o” often there is confusion. You just need to remember, another simple rule: under stress write what is heard, and without stress – the vowel “a”. Therefore, the word “float” is correctly spelled with the letter “a”, and the words “swimmer”, “float” through “o”, since they are exceptions to the rule. 751130
"Tearing your hair down" or "tighten your hair"?
Or another option where the mistake is often made: “Come up with the opponent” or “compare with the opponent”? In cases with the roots of “level” and “equals”, you need to choose a test word. For example, “tighten the hair” – make them even, here the root “level” is used. And in the case of "compare with the opponent" - the test word will be "equal". Therefore, it is correct to say and write “tear down” and “close up”.
"The dress is brilliant!" or "The dress is brilliant!"?
Not every teacher in Russian will immediately answer correctly. But it is worth remembering that if the dress is “shiny”, then no one in it looks “shiny”. To check, you need to pay attention to the suffix behind the root - if after it there is a vowel "a", then you can safely write the vowel "and" at the root. As you can see, it is correct to write “the dress shines brilliantly”. However, there is an exception to the rule in the roots of the words “combine” and “combination”.
Editorial "Site" He wants you to speak and write brilliantly in Russian, as well as to straighten your hair correctly and successfully. These general rules are just examples where we often make simple mistakes. The rules of this article can be applied to other similar cases. I hope you liked this little, instructive article: keep these rules somewhere, because useful knowledge can always come in handy.

Mistakes in Russian words Editorial "Site" This is a list of 7 words we often make mistakes in. It will not be superfluous to refresh for yourself these important rules of the Russian language. We found useful information on the Mel website, where you can find a lot of useful information about literacy and spelling.

- "How to sunbathe properly." or "how to sunbathe properly."?
I hope you got enough sunbathing this summer. Together with the rays of the sun, the human body receives vitamin D, which, among other things, can affect our mood. And to even more enjoy the pleasant little things, remember: the word “to sunbathe” is written only through the root of “mountains”. The rule says that under stress the word is written with "a", and without it - with the letter "o". - "Wet the paintbrush." or "paint the paintbrush"?
The correct option is to “dip the paintbrush”. In such cases, you need to pay attention to the meaning of the word. If the verb is used with the meaning of "immerse in a liquid" - then you need to use the root "mac". If the meaning means “to pass the liquid”, then write with the root “wet”. For example: “impoverished pants”, not “impoverished pants”. 579844
As you can see, with the letters “a” and “o” often there is confusion. You just need to remember, another simple rule: under stress write what is heard, and without stress – the vowel “a”. Therefore, the word “float” is correctly spelled with the letter “a”, and the words “swimmer”, “float” through “o”, since they are exceptions to the rule. 751130
"Tearing your hair down" or "tighten your hair"?
Or another option where the mistake is often made: “Come up with the opponent” or “compare with the opponent”? In cases with the roots of “level” and “equals”, you need to choose a test word. For example, “tighten the hair” – make them even, here the root “level” is used. And in the case of "compare with the opponent" - the test word will be "equal". Therefore, it is correct to say and write “tear down” and “close up”.

"The dress is brilliant!" or "The dress is brilliant!"?
Not every teacher in Russian will immediately answer correctly. But it is worth remembering that if the dress is “shiny”, then no one in it looks “shiny”. To check, you need to pay attention to the suffix behind the root - if after it there is a vowel "a", then you can safely write the vowel "and" at the root. As you can see, it is correct to write “the dress shines brilliantly”. However, there is an exception to the rule in the roots of the words “combine” and “combination”.

Editorial "Site" He wants you to speak and write brilliantly in Russian, as well as to straighten your hair correctly and successfully. These general rules are just examples where we often make simple mistakes. The rules of this article can be applied to other similar cases. I hope you liked this little, instructive article: keep these rules somewhere, because useful knowledge can always come in handy.
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