Why it's no longer fashionable to send a child to school a year early
Experts of the site "Mel" believe that the features of school age are considered by parents not carefully enough. Why not send your child to school before age 7?
I was sent to school 10 days before the age of 7. You could say it was just 7:00. However, many parents take an orientation for the year of birth and give the child to the first class for six months, or even 8 months before the birthday. What's wrong with that? This small difference can significantly affect all subsequent years of study.
Now we will look at the main reasons why parents send a child to school earlier, and find out whether to rely on them to make such an important decision.
Why do parents send their kids to first grade sooner than they should?
Give or not? Remember: if your child has speech therapy problems, it is still difficult to find a common language with peers, if he did not attend kindergarten at all, it is better to wait a little. Do not forget that the features of education in the first grade will definitely affect all subsequent years in school. Carefully weigh the pros and cons before making a final decision.
I was sent to school 10 days before the age of 7. You could say it was just 7:00. However, many parents take an orientation for the year of birth and give the child to the first class for six months, or even 8 months before the birthday. What's wrong with that? This small difference can significantly affect all subsequent years of study.
Now we will look at the main reasons why parents send a child to school earlier, and find out whether to rely on them to make such an important decision.
Why do parents send their kids to first grade sooner than they should?
- Age difference
It is hard to believe, but at such an early age, even a difference of a couple of months is critical. The child may not cope with homework, because orientation in its preparation goes to the age of 7. Development is happening at a rapid pace, and what children can do at seven may not be comparable to the abilities of a child at six. - Basic skills
Many parents, thinking that the child can already read and write, boldly send him to school. But it’s not just basic skills that matter. There is also the notion of emotional maturity, as well as the ability to obey general rules. Without it, your child will be very difficult in school. - If they don’t know what, they’ll definitely learn it.
Such thoughts are wrong. Most children come with sufficient training, and the requests for admission to the first grade are much higher than before. Training rates are very high, so a 6-year-old will be much more difficult than his older classmate. - Children will be jealous of their school friends.
Trust me, it's your thoughts, not the child's. Of course, everything is quite individual, but parents think about these things more. But for a child can be a real tragedy even too low height compared to classmates. - School for communication
That's only partly true. But the fact that there are many new social situations in school, which will be easier for an older child to cope with, is already true. - Kindergarten program fully completed
This program is a convention, and the fact of its passage is not worth paying special attention. Change the staff and teachers in the kindergarten and give your child a little more time. - The dream teacher
Many responsible parents want to enroll their child to a specific reliable teacher who is just recruiting newcomers. Pay special attention to how strict this teacher is. It is possible that too strict discipline will only harm an immature child.
Give or not? Remember: if your child has speech therapy problems, it is still difficult to find a common language with peers, if he did not attend kindergarten at all, it is better to wait a little. Do not forget that the features of education in the first grade will definitely affect all subsequent years in school. Carefully weigh the pros and cons before making a final decision.