Does a woman repent at ninety that she decided not to have children when she was young?

Before, questions about whether to have children, almost no one arose, and the news of the upcoming motherhood was perceived as God’s blessing. In the modern world, things are a little different.

Today, more and more girls are asking this question. More and more young women are responding negatively. Not so long ago, there was even a separate ideology, characterized by a conscious desire not to have children, called “childfree”.

One of the adherents of this ideology is the heroine of today’s story Marya Sergeevna, the aunt of one of our readers.

My aunt recently turned 93 years old. It is worth noting that this woman does not look at her age. More than seventy Aunt Masha just do not give!

She has no children, because even in her youth, Marya Sergeevna decided to devote her life to her own happiness. Now the late husband of Aunt Masha was in full solidarity with her on this issue. So the couple happily and comfortably lived 61 years in marriage.

When her husband died, Aunt Masha did not regret her decision. “Lonely old age never frightened me,” she said, “and now I at least know that I lived my life the way I wanted it, and not the way it should be,” she added. This is how she answered the question of whether she regretted not having a couple or three children who could now give her grandchildren and brighten up her loneliness.

Despite her venerable age, this lady is still very active and full of inspiration. Having decided to give up the happiness of motherhood, I understood that there would be no one to wait for help in my later years. That is why I have been improving my health in the young. Every morning I start with exercise and eat only healthy food, my aunt told me.

Many are surprised that she does not regret her decision. Some believe that she simply does not admit it, but secretly repents of the “mistake of youth”.

That's just Mary Sergeevna those accounts and gossip on nothing. It blossoms itself and enjoys life.


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