Homemade cream-cheese according to the proven recipe of Soviet housewives

Soft, sweet, creamy and with a moderately pronounced taste cream cheese is a truly versatile product. That’s because its taste, aroma, and color can vary depending on what ingredients to combine it with. Editorial "Site" will tell you how to prepare the most delicate and delicious homemade cream cheese from just one ingredient.

The cost of homemade cream cheese is about 4-5 times less than the price of ready-made store cheese. In addition, you can safely give it absolutely. taste. Such cheese is perfect for sandwiches, sushi, rolls and salads. And if it is slightly sweetened, then you will get a delicious cream cheese for sweets: eclairs, cakes and cakes. But most importantly, even a child can cope with this recipe!

The ingredients
  • kefir

  1. For the preparation of cream cheese, you can take both kefir and ryazhenka. Keep in mind that the higher the fat content, the more delicious the final product will be. By the way, you will get a cream cheese cream cream shade, and from kefir - snow-white. To start cooking cheese, cereal or kefir must be pre-freezed. To do this, simply place the bag in the freezer for a few hours, or even better leave it all night.

  2. Then take out the frozen kefir or ryazhenka. We open the package and move the contents to a coop covered with a piece of gauze or clean cotton fabric. In turn, we put the slug in a container into which the melting serum will drain. If you want to speed up the serum drainage process, you can put pressure on top. Without it, it will take 10-12 hours to remove the liquid from the cheese. Of course, this procedure is quite long, but, fortunately, it does not require your participation.

  3. From one package of ryazhenka or kefir with a volume of 500 ml it will turn out 100-150g air cheese.

  4. At this stage of preparation, you can improve the taste of the finished cream cheese. If desired, pulverize, flavored salt, paprika, bacon and the like. If you plan to use cheese for sweet dishes, you can put powdered sugar in it. Just add any ingredients to your taste to the cheese and mix it well with a corolla until homogeneous. At the end, put the cream cheese in a plastic container and store it in the refrigerator.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in making a delicious cream cheese. The main secret of this recipe is that along with whey from kefir or fermented meat acidize All that remains is a pure, unparalleled creamy taste.

Have you made homemade cream cheese yet? Boldly shared their experience in the comments. Bon appetit!


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