What do women do wrong when the family is getting poorer?
The material situation of the family It depends a lot on the woman. Even if she does not work and does not bring money to the family, but only guards the home. It is not for nothing that at all times it was believed that a woman must not only maintain the right atmosphere in the house, but also inspire her husband to great achievements.
And today's edition. "Site" It offers to disassemble women's mistakes that can completely block the channel of money in the family. And no matter how much such a woman saws her husband, it will not be better for anyone.
The material situation of the family
When a woman takes control of her finances, she takes responsibility for the financial well-being of the family. And even if a man earns money, and the wife manages them, it is the woman who has to puzzle over family expenses. The man loses the incentive to earn more, because managing the financial affairs of the family is no longer his responsibility. That's why my head doesn't hurt.
There is no desire for self-realization
Many successful women started their business after the age of 35 and even after the age of 40, at the height of family life. But looking for things dear to the heart is not just for the chance to achieve great success. It is necessary for realization, for fulfillment and happiness. This is the way to a fuller, more conscious and more prosperous life. Male competition
Trying to prove to her beloved that his money is not important to her and that she can well support herself, a woman brings financial difficulties closer. After all, if the head of the family does not feel full responsibility for family well-being, then he will not overexert himself. Why if everything's good?
How to motivate the other half Lack of motivation
In order for a man to want to earn more, provide his beloved with everything he needs and indulge in gifts, he needs strong motivation. If he does not get it at home, then he will think about the needs of his woman less often. And if on the horizon there is a young woman who knows how to ask and demand, knows how to motivate and thank, then the marriage will be at risk. Doesn't defend your interests.
A woman should not transfer all financial affairs to a man. Knowing what your savings or debts are is important. And the provision of the woman herself should be enough so that she does not ask for money each time for a new mascara or stockings. It is worth saying that the husband’s complete control over his wife’s expenses does not lead to anything good. It just becomes an open book for him, which is completely dependent on his wishes.
Lack of gratitude
It is important not to forget and thank the man for all the good he does for the woman and the family as a whole. And it is not only about gifts, but also about other manifestations of care. So the head of the family will always have an incentive to move forward and achieve more to please their family.
It may seem that these mistakes do not play a big role. But together they lead to a deterioration of the atmosphere in the family, destroy mutual understanding and provoke quarrels. It is not surprising that in such an environment, the financial well-being of the family disappears.
And today's edition. "Site" It offers to disassemble women's mistakes that can completely block the channel of money in the family. And no matter how much such a woman saws her husband, it will not be better for anyone.

The material situation of the family
- Lack of positive energy
It is believed that a woman is able to draw energy from the universe for her family. Then this energy is received by the man, who by his work turns it into abundance. And the more such energy, the stronger the positive charge, the more successful a man becomes. And the better the whole family lives. But here it is important that the head of the family knows how to appreciate the energy received and direct it in the right direction. - Lack of ambitious desires
Yes, convincing herself and others that the family has everything necessary, the wife seems to stop her husband. It seems as if subconsciously asks him to stop developing, rest, calm down. But if a person does not move forward, he degrades. Therefore, the financial situation of the family will inevitably deteriorate. - Excessive concentration on home affairs
Some women carry all the burden of household chores, not demanding anything in return. Others are able to properly “sell” their work, receiving from the husband not only sincere gratitude, but also gifts. In addition, a large part of the family budget is available. The second approach is the most correct, because in this way the work of a woman is valued higher. In addition, households are more motivated to make a commensurate contribution to family well-being. - Wrong requests
Women tend to make decisions under the influence of emotions. Men act more rationally. Therefore, an intelligent wife, trying to reach out to her husband, will not only prepare a lot of arguments in her favor in advance, but also express her proposal as specifically as possible. And will do without subtle hints that may not hit the target.
When a woman takes control of her finances, she takes responsibility for the financial well-being of the family. And even if a man earns money, and the wife manages them, it is the woman who has to puzzle over family expenses. The man loses the incentive to earn more, because managing the financial affairs of the family is no longer his responsibility. That's why my head doesn't hurt.

There is no desire for self-realization
Many successful women started their business after the age of 35 and even after the age of 40, at the height of family life. But looking for things dear to the heart is not just for the chance to achieve great success. It is necessary for realization, for fulfillment and happiness. This is the way to a fuller, more conscious and more prosperous life. Male competition
Trying to prove to her beloved that his money is not important to her and that she can well support herself, a woman brings financial difficulties closer. After all, if the head of the family does not feel full responsibility for family well-being, then he will not overexert himself. Why if everything's good?

How to motivate the other half Lack of motivation
In order for a man to want to earn more, provide his beloved with everything he needs and indulge in gifts, he needs strong motivation. If he does not get it at home, then he will think about the needs of his woman less often. And if on the horizon there is a young woman who knows how to ask and demand, knows how to motivate and thank, then the marriage will be at risk. Doesn't defend your interests.
A woman should not transfer all financial affairs to a man. Knowing what your savings or debts are is important. And the provision of the woman herself should be enough so that she does not ask for money each time for a new mascara or stockings. It is worth saying that the husband’s complete control over his wife’s expenses does not lead to anything good. It just becomes an open book for him, which is completely dependent on his wishes.
Lack of gratitude
It is important not to forget and thank the man for all the good he does for the woman and the family as a whole. And it is not only about gifts, but also about other manifestations of care. So the head of the family will always have an incentive to move forward and achieve more to please their family.

It may seem that these mistakes do not play a big role. But together they lead to a deterioration of the atmosphere in the family, destroy mutual understanding and provoke quarrels. It is not surprising that in such an environment, the financial well-being of the family disappears.
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