Prayers for well-being in life that are easy to remember
“To bring happiness and prosperity back to the house will help prayer for well-being in the family!” – told me a year ago, Father Alexander. And you need to understand what you put under the word “well-being”, because for someone it is a peaceful sky above your head and harmony in the soul, and for someone the health of relatives. Very often, when people talk about well-being, they mean money.
There's nothing wrong with that. The material part of life is also important if we do not forget about the soul and know how to set priorities correctly.
Today's edition. "Site" share prayer in life. Learn like poetry!
Prayer for the welfare of the family
The Mother of God always gives people good help, does not leave without attention, care. It warms with love and animates souls with divine grace! The collection of prayers is considered very strong. "Dreams of the Most Holy Virgin". These are 77 special prayers, each of which can help in a specific situation.
“Dreams” treat, save, do not allow you to get into circumstances in which disaster threatens. In other words, this is a kind of “Security Letter”, so some people constantly carry notes with the corresponding text with them, others read the necessary prayer 3-7 times before leaving the house or in difficult situations. situation.
This prayer is very strong. health.
“The Virgin Mother Mary has gone.
to the mountains of Zion,
I went to sleep.
under a cypress tree.
Jesus Christ Himself Comes:
- Mother Mary, my mother,
Are you asleep or are you lying down?
- I was asleep, I wasn't.
I had a big dream about you.
As if the Jews were grabbing you,
They were crucified.
Iron nails were hammered into the legs, handles.
- My mother, Mother Mary.
It's not a dream, it's the truth.
To write off this dream,
All over the world.
Who reads it every morning?
To him God gives happiness and health.”
Family well-being is one of the most important components happiness. A warm and friendly family atmosphere will always help in a difficult moment!
I also offer to read the prayer to the holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. This prayer is best said by the whole family, holding hands!
“O holy and praiseworthy martyrs Vero, Hope and Love, and the valiant daughters, wise mother Sophia, to you now a friend with fervent prayer.” What better way to stand before the Lord than faith, hope and love, these three cornerstone virtues, in them the image called, by the very thing you reveal!
Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and pastures He will cover us with His inexpressible grace, save us and preserve us, for there is also a lover of humanity. To that glory, for the sun is not needed, now in sight is bright, so help us in our humble prayers, that the Lord God may forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us, sinners and unworthy of His bounty.
Pray for us, holy martyrs, our Lord Jesus Christ, but to Him we send glory with His Father without beginning and His Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.
Editorial Board Ask for wealth It is also not sinful, people constantly make such requests to saints, in particular to St. Spyridon. I invite you to read a strong prayer to St. Spyridon for material help.
Proper prayers not only help to attract money to the family, but also improve health and avert trouble.
Remember, however, that God does not respond to prayerThe one who deliberately deviates from the law of God and does not want to listen. Family happiness depends not so much on the right words of prayer as on whether love and faith live in your home.
There's nothing wrong with that. The material part of life is also important if we do not forget about the soul and know how to set priorities correctly.
Today's edition. "Site" share prayer in life. Learn like poetry!
Prayer for the welfare of the family

The Mother of God always gives people good help, does not leave without attention, care. It warms with love and animates souls with divine grace! The collection of prayers is considered very strong. "Dreams of the Most Holy Virgin". These are 77 special prayers, each of which can help in a specific situation.
“Dreams” treat, save, do not allow you to get into circumstances in which disaster threatens. In other words, this is a kind of “Security Letter”, so some people constantly carry notes with the corresponding text with them, others read the necessary prayer 3-7 times before leaving the house or in difficult situations. situation.

This prayer is very strong. health.
“The Virgin Mother Mary has gone.
to the mountains of Zion,
I went to sleep.
under a cypress tree.
Jesus Christ Himself Comes:
- Mother Mary, my mother,
Are you asleep or are you lying down?
- I was asleep, I wasn't.
I had a big dream about you.
As if the Jews were grabbing you,
They were crucified.
Iron nails were hammered into the legs, handles.
- My mother, Mother Mary.
It's not a dream, it's the truth.
To write off this dream,
All over the world.
Who reads it every morning?
To him God gives happiness and health.”

Family well-being is one of the most important components happiness. A warm and friendly family atmosphere will always help in a difficult moment!
I also offer to read the prayer to the holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. This prayer is best said by the whole family, holding hands!

“O holy and praiseworthy martyrs Vero, Hope and Love, and the valiant daughters, wise mother Sophia, to you now a friend with fervent prayer.” What better way to stand before the Lord than faith, hope and love, these three cornerstone virtues, in them the image called, by the very thing you reveal!
Pray to the Lord, that in sorrows and pastures He will cover us with His inexpressible grace, save us and preserve us, for there is also a lover of humanity. To that glory, for the sun is not needed, now in sight is bright, so help us in our humble prayers, that the Lord God may forgive our sins and iniquities, and may He have mercy on us, sinners and unworthy of His bounty.
Pray for us, holy martyrs, our Lord Jesus Christ, but to Him we send glory with His Father without beginning and His Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.

Editorial Board Ask for wealth It is also not sinful, people constantly make such requests to saints, in particular to St. Spyridon. I invite you to read a strong prayer to St. Spyridon for material help.

Proper prayers not only help to attract money to the family, but also improve health and avert trouble.
Remember, however, that God does not respond to prayerThe one who deliberately deviates from the law of God and does not want to listen. Family happiness depends not so much on the right words of prayer as on whether love and faith live in your home.
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