Popular online store 220.lv focuses on customer needs
Few of the online shops can be compared in terms of sales and popularity with global giants aliexpress and ebay. In Latvia succeeded 220.lv progressive online store, managed for the past 14 years to maintain its leadership, a foreign online trading giants.
The basis of our success – focus on clientwidth as a priority in the organization of company's internal processes customer orientation, improving the quality of its service, including through more effective personalized advertising, 220.lv managed to close a three of leaders of sales increased 28.6%, second only ebay.com with 32.1% and the Asian giant's ecommerce aliexpress.com from 29.8%. From the nearest neighbor in the TOP 5 of the company 1a.lv located on the 4th place, 220.lv separates as much as 33%.
Awareness of the online store with the already familiar to many online buyers portal https://220.lv/ru the rapid growth of its turnover due to a fixed policy of the administration of the popular shopping places with customer orientation and experience of its purchases. The key to further development of the online store was the introduction, as a first step, a new homepage, featuring greater functionality, modernity and clarity. This simplified the visitors navigation on the site, will significantly reduce the time of ordering.
Factors Pervenstvo the opinion of industry experts, based on the leadership of the online store with the catchy name 220.lv based on a number of factors, the most significant of which are:
- a high level of awareness (research RAIT, 99% of Internet users know about 220.lv);
- active attendance page 220.lv visited more than 2.25 million times;
- positive reviews – more than 66% of NPS (indicator of customer loyalty Net Promoter Score);
- there are multiple awards for excellence in online customer service;
- high popularity – more than 1.3 million produced for the client orders;
- the presence of the largest (10 000 m2) in the Baltic warehouse with the ability to receive already tomorrow in more than 300 thousand articles.
Thanks vysokoizbiratelnoy site, the availability of effective filters, ease of navigation, to learn more about any product on the virtual shelves 220.lv very simple. For example, the potential buyer without any difficulty can see the list online store, modern sofas, characterized by versatility, comfort, practicality, softness and durability, and then purchase at a reasonable price the most suitable in design, size, color and material of upholstery and other options.
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