Why choosing an apartment is better to entrust a realtor?
Sixty six million eight hundred eighty two thousand two hundred nine
How justified a search of the apartment? The buyer is sure that you need to pay a Commission to the realtor – it is not. The buyer thinks the will be able to quickly find a suitable option – it is also not true. Specify the advantages of working with the Agency.
When searching for an apartment buyer pays costs to the Agency. All costs borne by the seller. At the time of sale, the Commission is charged with the amount, which the buyer under the transaction of purchase and sale. If you stop extra costs when selling a home, buying can be done for free.
Check the history of the apartment
The notary will refuse to make a deal if the property seized. But what about the story that sees the notary and the potential buyer? Debt on utility bills, fights with neighbors, questionable reputation of the seller – these negative conditions will see and check the realtor. The notary is not required to understand the history of relations between the former owners of the apartment. The agent is obliged to sell the apartment, exempt from all debts and negative reputation.
Search time
The section sale apartments in the city of Izhevsk available for more than 200 proposals. To find a suitable variant it is necessary to check at least 10-15 apartments. Every item can take up to 3 hours. Including the road and the time of the visit. Total preliminary search will take at least 40 hours. Add to that the time to search for a suitable notary, preparation of documents and other formalities. You will have to constantly take time off from work. Why do these inconveniences, if the same work is done professionally realtor?
The transaction price
Every year the price of property rises or falls by a few percent. At an average price of 2-3 million roubles, the difference in 2-3 medium salaries. The buyer does not always know the spread of bids. Agent, without the involvement of the evaluator will offer the market price, given the features of the sold lots.
With the Agency easier to find mortgage financing. It will define your conditions as a borrower and choose the most appropriate banking product. Self-selection, the Bank will take you quite a long time. And considering that there is a huge opportunity to reduce the interest-rate cost, the assistance of a realtor will be essential. For example, the use of maternity capital funds or participation in the program young families.
How justified a search of the apartment? The buyer is sure that you need to pay a Commission to the realtor – it is not. The buyer thinks the will be able to quickly find a suitable option – it is also not true. Specify the advantages of working with the Agency.

When searching for an apartment buyer pays costs to the Agency. All costs borne by the seller. At the time of sale, the Commission is charged with the amount, which the buyer under the transaction of purchase and sale. If you stop extra costs when selling a home, buying can be done for free.

Check the history of the apartment
The notary will refuse to make a deal if the property seized. But what about the story that sees the notary and the potential buyer? Debt on utility bills, fights with neighbors, questionable reputation of the seller – these negative conditions will see and check the realtor. The notary is not required to understand the history of relations between the former owners of the apartment. The agent is obliged to sell the apartment, exempt from all debts and negative reputation.
Search time
The section sale apartments in the city of Izhevsk available for more than 200 proposals. To find a suitable variant it is necessary to check at least 10-15 apartments. Every item can take up to 3 hours. Including the road and the time of the visit. Total preliminary search will take at least 40 hours. Add to that the time to search for a suitable notary, preparation of documents and other formalities. You will have to constantly take time off from work. Why do these inconveniences, if the same work is done professionally realtor?
- Will select from its customer base an apartment that fits the parameters of your description. The search is not always able to configure a filter suitable apartment depending on nearby infrastructure, locations and green areas;
- Check the history of the apartment – the presence of receivables and claims of third parties, etc.;
- To negotiate with the notary and execute the preparation of all documents required for the contract.

The transaction price
Every year the price of property rises or falls by a few percent. At an average price of 2-3 million roubles, the difference in 2-3 medium salaries. The buyer does not always know the spread of bids. Agent, without the involvement of the evaluator will offer the market price, given the features of the sold lots.
With the Agency easier to find mortgage financing. It will define your conditions as a borrower and choose the most appropriate banking product. Self-selection, the Bank will take you quite a long time. And considering that there is a huge opportunity to reduce the interest-rate cost, the assistance of a realtor will be essential. For example, the use of maternity capital funds or participation in the program young families.
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