What is crossfit, and feature training
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Many people aspire to the greater perfection of his nature. To do this, to develop their memory, mental abilities. But some people try to develop their physical abilities. This can be done, if you enroll in a fitness club crossfit that are more attracted by young men. What is the feature of these lessons and how are they performed?
The history of"Crossfit" is the name of one fitness company, which in 2000 was organized by two Americans. Hence the name of the sports movement, which quickly began to spread to different countries. Crossfit exercises are divided into two types:
Ideologue such training can be called Greg Glassman. Previously, he was himself a professional gymnast. And first your gym for strength training he opened in 2001, and to the present time, such fitness clubs, there are more than 4,000 worldwide. There are countries where crossfit pays great attention to and he even included in the program at the state level. For example, in Canada, a similar training as the staff of the army special forces, and firefighters.
Basic rules sanative crossfit for a greater role played by strength training. Here develops stamina, strength and flexibility. Very important are the performance of coordination and speed. And for this purpose different means, not just the barbell and weights. A feature of such lessons is that at the same time apply to training of various kinds.
Basic rules in crossfit are:
Many people aspire to the greater perfection of his nature. To do this, to develop their memory, mental abilities. But some people try to develop their physical abilities. This can be done, if you enroll in a fitness club crossfit that are more attracted by young men. What is the feature of these lessons and how are they performed?

The history of"Crossfit" is the name of one fitness company, which in 2000 was organized by two Americans. Hence the name of the sports movement, which quickly began to spread to different countries. Crossfit exercises are divided into two types:
- sports are ideal for people who do not have professional sports training;
- complex, more suitable for athletes, actively involved in major power competition.

Ideologue such training can be called Greg Glassman. Previously, he was himself a professional gymnast. And first your gym for strength training he opened in 2001, and to the present time, such fitness clubs, there are more than 4,000 worldwide. There are countries where crossfit pays great attention to and he even included in the program at the state level. For example, in Canada, a similar training as the staff of the army special forces, and firefighters.
Basic rules sanative crossfit for a greater role played by strength training. Here develops stamina, strength and flexibility. Very important are the performance of coordination and speed. And for this purpose different means, not just the barbell and weights. A feature of such lessons is that at the same time apply to training of various kinds.
Basic rules in crossfit are:
- you need to show maximum intensity, and this applies to every workout;
- you need to train as often as possible;
- the rest between exercises must be minimal or it should generally be avoided;
- the direction of loads you need to constantly change.