As my kids accidentally found in the Laundry one function
Eighty million one hundred fifteen thousand seven hundred seventy seven
While I was busy in the kitchen, the children were playing in the bathroom and did something with the washing machine — lit display "CL". A good two hours working on this technique in attempts to fix it, but nothing helped. All the buttons already pushed, but machine does not want to work.
Dug out the manual and finally realized that my kids turn on the "Protection of children". By the way, at the time, my husband and I have not found this feature in settings…
via factroom.ru
While I was busy in the kitchen, the children were playing in the bathroom and did something with the washing machine — lit display "CL". A good two hours working on this technique in attempts to fix it, but nothing helped. All the buttons already pushed, but machine does not want to work.
Dug out the manual and finally realized that my kids turn on the "Protection of children". By the way, at the time, my husband and I have not found this feature in settings…
via factroom.ru
Decided Rabinovich before death to put things in order and called sons...
As we have a child with a fearless moms went camping