What grown 15 actors who played famous characters in childhood
Sixty two million six hundred forty five thousand one hundred thirty seven
In the movies, where the heroes show at different ages, specialists in casting trying to find the most similar characters to the role of the hero in childhood, in old age.
We Site out of curiosity I decided to compare how similar to the adult characters were the actors who played them in childhood.
The Terminator, John Connor Edward Furlong, Jason Clarke
Fifty eight million nine hundred four thousand three hundred forty three
Three million two hundred forty one thousand two hundred eighty six
"The Aviator", Howard Hughes Jacob Davich, Leonardo DiCaprio
Ninety two million five hundred eighty two thousand four hundred ninety three
Eleven million seven hundred thirty one thousand one hundred fifty four
"Amelie", Amelie Flora Guia, Audrey Tautou
Seventy million six hundred three thousand one hundred eighty five
Ninety five million fifty nine thousand six hundred nineteen
"The curious case of Benjamin Button", Benjamin Spencer Daniels, brad pitt
Two million four hundred eleven thousand two hundred ninety four
Thirty million nine hundred forty one thousand six hundred twenty nine
"Pirates of the Caribbean: the Curse of the Black pearl" Elizabeth Swann Lucinda Dryzek, keira Knightley
Fourteen million seven hundred sixty five thousand three hundred forty one
Sixty seven million one hundred four thousand fifty one
"Mr. Nobody" Nemo (15 years) Toby Regbo, Jared Leto
Sixty nine million four hundred forty four thousand nine hundred sixty nine
Ten million three hundred fifty eight thousand six hundred forty six
"Mr. Nobody" Nemo (9 years) Thomas Byrne, Jared Leto
Forty five million one hundred fifty three thousand nine hundred four
Twenty two million seven hundred fifty one thousand nine hundred twenty
"13 going on 30", Jenna rink Christa Brittany Allen, Jennifer garner
Forty four million nine hundred thirty three thousand one hundred seventy two
Fifty million three hundred fifty nine thousand fifty nine
"Blast from the past", Adam Webber Douglas Smith, Brendan Fraser
Sixty five million seven hundred fifty one thousand three hundred eight
One million five hundred seventy seven thousand five
"Jane Eyre", Jane, Amelia Clarkson, MIA Wasikowska
Twelve million fifty eight thousand four hundred ninety three
Eighty five million one hundred seventy five thousand five hundred twenty nine
"The butterfly effect", Evan Treborn John Patrick Amedori, Ashton Kutcher
Fifty three million three hundred fifty two thousand one hundred forty six
Seventy seven million four hundred seventy four thousand twenty eight
"Interstellar" Murph Mackenzie Foy, Jessica Chastain
Twenty seven million five hundred ninety three thousand one hundred forty seven
Sixty nine million sixty eight thousand nine hundred twenty two
"Harry Potter", Tom Redl Christian Coulson, Ralph Fiennes
Fifty six million nine hundred seventeen thousand six hundred twenty six
Fifty nine million eighty nine thousand six hundred seventy six
"Forrest Gump", Forrest Michael Conner Humphrey, Tom Hanks
Seventy eight million sixty six thousand one hundred ninety three
Ninety million one hundred sixty seven thousand nine hundred thirty six
Photo on preview Walt Disney Pictures, instagram
via www.instagram.com/p/BKv3J6jjAKQ/
In the movies, where the heroes show at different ages, specialists in casting trying to find the most similar characters to the role of the hero in childhood, in old age.
We Site out of curiosity I decided to compare how similar to the adult characters were the actors who played them in childhood.
The Terminator, John Connor Edward Furlong, Jason Clarke
Fifty eight million nine hundred four thousand three hundred forty three
Three million two hundred forty one thousand two hundred eighty six
"The Aviator", Howard Hughes Jacob Davich, Leonardo DiCaprio
Ninety two million five hundred eighty two thousand four hundred ninety three
Eleven million seven hundred thirty one thousand one hundred fifty four
"Amelie", Amelie Flora Guia, Audrey Tautou
Seventy million six hundred three thousand one hundred eighty five
Ninety five million fifty nine thousand six hundred nineteen
"The curious case of Benjamin Button", Benjamin Spencer Daniels, brad pitt
Two million four hundred eleven thousand two hundred ninety four
Thirty million nine hundred forty one thousand six hundred twenty nine
"Pirates of the Caribbean: the Curse of the Black pearl" Elizabeth Swann Lucinda Dryzek, keira Knightley
Fourteen million seven hundred sixty five thousand three hundred forty one
Sixty seven million one hundred four thousand fifty one
"Mr. Nobody" Nemo (15 years) Toby Regbo, Jared Leto
Sixty nine million four hundred forty four thousand nine hundred sixty nine
Ten million three hundred fifty eight thousand six hundred forty six
"Mr. Nobody" Nemo (9 years) Thomas Byrne, Jared Leto
Forty five million one hundred fifty three thousand nine hundred four
Twenty two million seven hundred fifty one thousand nine hundred twenty
"13 going on 30", Jenna rink Christa Brittany Allen, Jennifer garner
Forty four million nine hundred thirty three thousand one hundred seventy two
Fifty million three hundred fifty nine thousand fifty nine
"Blast from the past", Adam Webber Douglas Smith, Brendan Fraser
Sixty five million seven hundred fifty one thousand three hundred eight
One million five hundred seventy seven thousand five
"Jane Eyre", Jane, Amelia Clarkson, MIA Wasikowska
Twelve million fifty eight thousand four hundred ninety three
Eighty five million one hundred seventy five thousand five hundred twenty nine
"The butterfly effect", Evan Treborn John Patrick Amedori, Ashton Kutcher
Fifty three million three hundred fifty two thousand one hundred forty six
Seventy seven million four hundred seventy four thousand twenty eight
"Interstellar" Murph Mackenzie Foy, Jessica Chastain
Twenty seven million five hundred ninety three thousand one hundred forty seven
Sixty nine million sixty eight thousand nine hundred twenty two
"Harry Potter", Tom Redl Christian Coulson, Ralph Fiennes
Fifty six million nine hundred seventeen thousand six hundred twenty six
Fifty nine million eighty nine thousand six hundred seventy six
"Forrest Gump", Forrest Michael Conner Humphrey, Tom Hanks
Seventy eight million sixty six thousand one hundred ninety three
Ninety million one hundred sixty seven thousand nine hundred thirty six
Photo on preview Walt Disney Pictures, instagram
via www.instagram.com/p/BKv3J6jjAKQ/
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