7 Actresses who captivate you with its unusual beauty
Two million three hundred twenty five thousand eight hundred four
The stars of the world cinema as the selection is impeccable, with a dazzling smile. They look as if created by the template, even perfect. However, sometimes there are exceptions.
A website has collected pictures of famous Actresses, who gain audience sympathy and heart, despite the fact that don't conform to the accepted standards of beauty.
Saoirse Ronan
Innocent look and transparent blue eyes — what turns the actress into an angel. If someone uses makeup to hide flaws, it was not Ronan: makeup did not go to her, the girl and without it looks very unusual and impressive.
Elle Fanning
Small, slightly flat nose, pale skin, chubby, baby cheeks and clear eyes. The other girl in her place would find it's own shortcomings, but fanning Jr. delivers himself with an easy charm and spontaneity and, it seems, doesn't care about appearance.
Chloe Moretz
Despite the fact that her father is a plastic surgeon, Chloe didn't change himself for the sake of fashion trends. She objectively evaluate yourself and your talents, that does not prevent it to have an army of fans and to make a successful career in the film industry.
Rooney Mara
The actress loves and knows how to change. Lightening of eyebrows, shaved bangs — her everything-to-face. Her thin lips and protruding ears do not fit into standards of beauty, but this does not prevent the Mare to be a favorite of moviegoers worldwide.
MIA Wasikowska
Great fame of the Australian actress brought the role of Alice in the Tim Burton movie. Talent, coupled with the piercing eyes and remarkable charisma help her to achieve their goals and get the most interesting offers from the Directors.
Zosia Mamet
On the set of Mamet is able to transform into anyone. Her unorthodox appearance only plays her hand: she helps the audience to forget that the screen actress, and fully feel the atmosphere of the film and the life of the heroine.
Dakota Fanning
As the younger sister, Dakota has an atypical appearance for her and love her. But even more, her love for the original view of things. For example, she once admitted that her favorite role was his debut. At the age of 6 years she played a car accident victim in the TV series "er."
Photos on the preview rexfeatures, rexfeatures
via www.rexfeatures.com/search/?kw=4243808ak&js-site-search_submit=Go&order=newest&iso=GBR&lkw=5893942ay&viah=Y&stk=N&sft=&timer=N&requester=&iprs=f
The stars of the world cinema as the selection is impeccable, with a dazzling smile. They look as if created by the template, even perfect. However, sometimes there are exceptions.
A website has collected pictures of famous Actresses, who gain audience sympathy and heart, despite the fact that don't conform to the accepted standards of beauty.
Saoirse Ronan
Innocent look and transparent blue eyes — what turns the actress into an angel. If someone uses makeup to hide flaws, it was not Ronan: makeup did not go to her, the girl and without it looks very unusual and impressive.
Elle Fanning
Small, slightly flat nose, pale skin, chubby, baby cheeks and clear eyes. The other girl in her place would find it's own shortcomings, but fanning Jr. delivers himself with an easy charm and spontaneity and, it seems, doesn't care about appearance.
Chloe Moretz
Despite the fact that her father is a plastic surgeon, Chloe didn't change himself for the sake of fashion trends. She objectively evaluate yourself and your talents, that does not prevent it to have an army of fans and to make a successful career in the film industry.
Rooney Mara
The actress loves and knows how to change. Lightening of eyebrows, shaved bangs — her everything-to-face. Her thin lips and protruding ears do not fit into standards of beauty, but this does not prevent the Mare to be a favorite of moviegoers worldwide.
MIA Wasikowska
Great fame of the Australian actress brought the role of Alice in the Tim Burton movie. Talent, coupled with the piercing eyes and remarkable charisma help her to achieve their goals and get the most interesting offers from the Directors.
Zosia Mamet
On the set of Mamet is able to transform into anyone. Her unorthodox appearance only plays her hand: she helps the audience to forget that the screen actress, and fully feel the atmosphere of the film and the life of the heroine.
Dakota Fanning
As the younger sister, Dakota has an atypical appearance for her and love her. But even more, her love for the original view of things. For example, she once admitted that her favorite role was his debut. At the age of 6 years she played a car accident victim in the TV series "er."
Photos on the preview rexfeatures, rexfeatures
via www.rexfeatures.com/search/?kw=4243808ak&js-site-search_submit=Go&order=newest&iso=GBR&lkw=5893942ay&viah=Y&stk=N&sft=&timer=N&requester=&iprs=f
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