As a kid I wanted an elephant, but my mom figured out how to talk me out of...
Thirty six million four hundred thirteen thousand nine hundred twenty two
When I was little, constantly begged my parents to buy me... an elephant! Now do not remember what was the reason for such a strange desire. But I clearly remember that I very much like your own personal elephant. Every day I was harassed by parents, until my mom came up with an ingenious solution to the problem.
She promised to buy an elephant, but only on her terms. Mom prudently suggested to put it in the hallway so that the head was in the bedroom, and pop, respectively, in the nursery. According to her plan, she and dad had to feed a new pet and I clean up for him.
The desire to have the elephant disappeared somehow by itself...
via factroom.ru
When I was little, constantly begged my parents to buy me... an elephant! Now do not remember what was the reason for such a strange desire. But I clearly remember that I very much like your own personal elephant. Every day I was harassed by parents, until my mom came up with an ingenious solution to the problem.
She promised to buy an elephant, but only on her terms. Mom prudently suggested to put it in the hallway so that the head was in the bedroom, and pop, respectively, in the nursery. According to her plan, she and dad had to feed a new pet and I clean up for him.
The desire to have the elephant disappeared somehow by itself...
via factroom.ru
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