10 foods that help celebrities to look at 100 %
We in the Website have long wanted to know what celebrities eat, and finally we had the opportunity to look them in the dish. Take the diet note: looks tasty, useful and affordable!
The Cobb salad
During the filming of the series "Friends" Jennifer aniston every day ate a Cobb salad is a popular dish in the USA, which includes greens, tomatoes, chicken, avocado, eggs, onion, Roquefort cheese and vinagreta dressing. Since then, the actress does not change his habit, and rightly so: this superfood salad is not only delicious, but also useful.
For beautiful and healthy skin Victoria Beckham eats lookaty day. Many dermatologists advise patients with skin problems to use salmon: this fish contains omega-3 acids, vitamins, proteins and Biotin.
Gwyneth Paltrow is a real fan of healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. For Breakfast or as a snack, the actress loves granola, which is preparing itself — a mixture of nuts, coconut flakes, pumpkin seeds and flax.
The vegetables and chicken
44-year-old slim Cameron Diaz in interviews repeatedly stressed that owe nutrition: and health, and his toned figure. Each day, the actress eats vegetables, grains, chicken or fish we take from her example!
Blake lively says that never sits on diets and all that more sweet tooth: could easily drink a Cup of hot chocolate for Breakfast and in the evening to eat dark chocolate. So that's why she's always in a good mood!
Eva Mendes believes that food is just fuel for the body, so it is not boring eat the same meals. For lunch, the actress usually eats salmon with rice or quinoa, sometimes adding a light salad of vegetables. We must pay tribute to such a diet, because Eva looks just fine.
Fruit and vegetable smoothies
Fergie loves to drink green smoothie, which includes spinach, cabbage, celery, pear, banana and Apple. It turns out tasty and useful meal — a real energy bomb.
Scrambled eggs with avocado
Model Chrissy Teigen prefers to focus on hearty and healthy Breakfast. She loves scrambled eggs with bacon and avocado — and a charge of vivacity for the whole day is guaranteed.
The years go by and Jennifer Lopez haven't changed. Perhaps the secret of her beauty lies in the salad of curly Kale, which she likes to eat? The singer admits that also always take fruits and vegetables for a healthy snack. Don't know about you, but we are already in a hurry to empty the vegetable section of the supermarket!
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